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After breakfast, we drove straight to the arena where they were performing tonight.
It was larger than the last, and the owner was a man in his early 30s. I was excited to watch the show tonight, but a little bummed about the 6 hours there was to kill here until then.
I settled in the backstage room while Anthony checked in. I began to doze off when John came in.
"Come on."
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"You'll see." I took a deep sigh and followed him out and onto the stage.
What the fuck was he planning?
I nervously walked up to him as he looking through a sloppy rack of guitars.
He handed me a '67 Stratocaster with Sunburst coloring and told me to sit down on the platform holding the drum set up. John sat down beside me with his guitar.
I gave him a confused look but he just smiled.
"Take a deep breath and let yourself connect with the guitar okay, sweetheart?"
Like that was going to be hard.
"We're going to play together and try and get our music connection going, and then tonight..."
"Tonight what?"
"We're going to jam together. Just you and me. Maybe Flea too!"
I sighed, "You're lucky I'm really starting to like you John."
He laughed, "Ready?"
I nodded, and watched him start ripping into some chords. As soon as I started off with an AM it clicked.
Everything worked, and I hardly thought about the notes I was playing. It came as easy as breathing with John. From what I could hear it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever played. John would play something sweet and let me whammy it out, and bang hard on the strings, and then we'd switch.
It had become so natural for us, when we finished playing it had been two and a half hours, and I was sweating. My fingers were extremly sour from barring and bending the strings so much.
When I set down the guitar and looked at John, he was crying.
"John, what's wrong?" I asked sliding next to him.
He sniffled and wiped his eyes, "That was the most beautiful thing I've ever done with someone before. Lilly, you're my soul mate."
I laughed and kissed his cheek. "You're mine too."
He smiled and wrapped his arm around me, "So does that mean you'll play with me tonight?"
I nodded, "I guess it does."
John grinned immensely and then hopped up and held his hand out for me to grab.
"I'm happy you are, Lilly. I'm telling you, I think you and I are soul mates! Not in the romantic way... uh.. in the very friendly way... Like spirit mates?!"
I laughed and squeezed his hand, "I'm glad we crossed paths."
He smiled, "Me too, Miss Kinks."
Soon enough the four hours had passed and it was time to perform with John.
Anthony was beyond excited to have me on stage, but I incredibly nervous.
Part of the reason I didn't pursue the stage was because I had stage fright.
I almost backed out, but Anthony said if I went on stage, he'd fuck me, which he undoubtedly would've done anyways.
Towards the end of the set, John walked over to the side of the stage and started jumping up and down excitedly.
"Lilly, Lilly!! It's time!!"
I laughed nervously and inched my way forward as Anthony blew me kisses and walked up to the mic.
"Alright you fuckers, I'd like to introduce my special little lady Lilly, who's gonna blow your fucking minds and sodomize you with her electric heaven 6-string instrument."
As soon as the crowd saw me they went wild. I was expecting boos, but they all welcomed me to the stage. John took my hand and lead me over to the guitar rack again where he picked up the same Strato. He attached the strap for me and helped me get it on. Flea, Chad and Anthony were quiet in respect of what John and I were about to create.
He smiled and nodded his head. "Just like we did before. Breathe and connect."
He counted off until 5 and then lead me into our little show.
John's fingers melted in with the guitar as he slid up and down the neck like a mad man. I found my place with him immediately and our connection was beautiful.
The crowd was losing their minds, and Chad, Flea and Anthony didn't even know what to think of it.
John was standing not even a hair away from me and or guitars were blending perfectly. You couldn't even get a drum beat in between our playing.
In fact, I wish you could've heard it. I'm sure you know how beautiful John plays, he's perfect.
But this was different. It was like releasing Pandora's box, but everything inside was good. We were creating love, hope, faith, trust, every possible positive emotion and turning it into music.
John took a turn and let me catch my breath while he attacked his whammy. When he let me back in, our soloing went dark.
It sounded eerie, but hauntingly beautiful. It was definitely something John hadn't tried before in front of people, but with me he just let everything out creatively, he wanted.
I was beginning to see just how beautiful John's soul was.
When you play with John, it's like looking inside him.
You know his whole life story through some of the notes he plays, and it's like you can almost see the future.
When we finished, some of my fingers were cut. My pick was scratched and my whole body ached. John was drenched in sweat and so was I.
We both met eyes and smiled tearfully. Both of us were drained, but fuck, we blew every mind in that fucking room.

I Could Die For You (Editing In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now