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As we began to take our seats on the plane, Stone yanked me down in the seat next to him by my arm. I nearly fell into his lap, but he managed to get me in my seat before that happened. I sat down and gave Anthony a steady look. I buckled my seatbelt and got ready for the flight.

After we took off and everyone got their complimentary peanuts, Stone looked at me a little nervously.

"So, what'd you wanna talk to me about?" I asked.
He swallowed hard. "I uh- I actually have a question."

I smiled, to try and ease him. "Go on."

He paused, trying to find the words, "I'd like you to perform with us tonight."

I looked at him for a second, feeling happiness pile up inside of me.

"Are you fucking serious? Of fucking course I will!!!"

I hugged Stone the best I could, being tied down by the fucking seat belt.

He laughed and rubbed his eyes, "Awesome! I'm so glad dude, we'll probably just do like two or three songs with the rest of the guys, is that okay?"

I nodded, "Fuck yeah man, I don't fucking care!"
Stone smiled, "Cool, cool. Can't fuckin' wait."


Our plan landed in Oregon around noon, and everyone was on edge as we got closer and closer to the lobby Nirvana was waiting in.

Anthony and the rest of the Peppers were pretty excited, but Pearl Jam was almost not effected. Not that they didn't care, but it seemed like they weren't AS into the music as Anthony or Flea was.

Sitting in three chairs was a very tall guy with short brown hair, a shorter guy with shoulder-length blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes, and a man who could only be Dave Grohl: Maniac Drummer.

Anthony waved at them and Dave shot up from his seat to come greet us.

"Hey guys!! I'm Dave." He held out his hand, shaking all of ours and sporting the friendliest and most welcoming smile possible.

He led us over to where Kurt and Krist were sitting and introduced us all. Kurt was very nice to us, and immediately struck up a conversation with me.

"So, what's your name angel?"

I blushed, "It's Lilly."

"Beautiful. I'm Kurt." He held out his hand for me to shake, but when I held it, he kissed the top of mine instead.

Man, was he smooth.

Kurt smiled, "So what's a girl like you doing on a tour like this?"

I looked around quickly, noting everyone else in an intense conversation about tonight's show.

"I'm with Anthony.. and he invited me on tour."

Kurt cocked his head, "With? As in?"

"As in girlfriend."

He nodded and smiled softly, "You guys make a cute couple."

"Thank you."

"Anytime sweetheart."

Anthony looked over at us, watching Kurt carefully, a certain heat in his eyes. His line of vision then focused on me, and showed nothing but love in them. He smiled softly and then turned his head back to Mike who was discussing their set list.

About 20 minutes or so later our cabs arrived and we were on our way to our hotel. I sat in a car with John and Anthony, which was really nice. I was really close with both of them, so I felt extremely comfortable in the car.

We pulled up and followed the rest of the group inside. Lindy checked us in, and purchased two extra rooms for the members of Nirvana. Anthony and I were again segregated to separate rooms, only this time I had a room all to myself. Apparently, Lindy had the option of getting a room with one queen sized bed. Anthony wasn't happy about it, but he went along, knowing Lindy would only do it more often if he complained.

I walked down the hall to where my room was, slipped my room key in and looked around the freshly cleaned room. There was a bed on the left, up against the wall with light blue sheets and white fluffy pillows. On the right directly in front of the bed, was an entertainment center with a small TV. Next to that was a small circular wooden table, complete with two wooden chairs and a vase of flowers. In the back was bathroom including a tub/shower, toilet, sink, bathroom necessities.

I set my suitcase by my bed and quickly zipped it open. According to Lindy we had about 2 hours down time to chill in our rooms. Which I would probably use to get ready.

I rummaged through the clothing trying to find the perfect outfit for tonight. After a few minutes, I pulled out a pair of black, metallic leggings, a Led Zeppelin muscle shirt, a black lace bra, some combat boots and a pair of matching socks, which I thought was pretty fucking amazing.
I walked into the bathroom, and regarded my baggy sweatshirt and tired eyes. My dark, dark brown curly hair fell down to right below my breasts and bounced back up with each pull of a strand. From this observation, I figured it would be a good idea to shower and rid me of my exhaustion, or whatever I was feeling.

The sound of the shower head squeaking as I turned it, followed up by the sound of the hot water pounding down on the shower floor was enough to relax me to my core. I undressed myself, and then jumped in. My body immediately soaked in the shower and I was feeling like a million bucks once I got out.

I slipped back into my clothing and then left my now, semi-dry hair, to dry fully. I put on some eyeliner and mascara, an of course, deodorant. I didn't want to stick up the place. After I had put my boots on, I put my hair up in a pony tail, whipping the bouncy curls around to give it a more messy look.

Just as I grabbed my jacket there was a knock on the door.

I Could Die For You (Editing In Progress)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora