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Recording went by in a flash and ended at 3. We had finished the entire album, surprisingly. Al was going to be sending me my check of $2,000.00 the next day. I figured I'd better call Kaity and update her on everything that had been going on.
I picked up the phone and dialed her number, listening patiently as the dial tone rang in my ear.
"Hello?" I smiled at the sound of her happy voice echo through.
"Hey Kaity, it's Lilly."
I laughed, and then told Kaity about everything that had happened so far.
She didn't talk for a few seconds, but let out a croak. "Please have children with him."
"Kaity! Oh my God!"
She laughed, "Don't be pretend like you don't want to."
I sighed, "Okay, maybe a little..."
Kaity and I talked for a little longer, but I explained that I was going to have to hang up.
After we talked, I dove into my suitcase to try and find something to wear for tonight.
I settled on high waisted shorts and a Led Zeppelin t-shirt. I put my hair up in a messy bun, and put on some red lipstick and mascara. I slipped into some converse and grabbed my bags to take back to Anthony's house.
I whistled for a taxi, and was about to tell him Anthony's address when I realized I had to buy tickets for a flight home to Seattle. I didn't want to, but everything I owned was back there, what was I supposed to do?
The taxi pulled up in front of the airport ticket center, allowing me to run in quick, buy my tickets and then hop back in. We drove for about a half an hour, but finally pulled up in front of the complex where Anthony lived. I handed the driver a wad of cash, grabbed my bags and then headed inside.
When I reached his apartment, the door was unlocked and Anthony was waiting inside sprawled out on the floor. I dropped my stuff and walked over to him. As I peered down, he only looked at me, happiness beaming on his face.
"What are you doing?" I asked laughing.
"Waiting for you." He said in all seriousness.
I smiled and positioned myself on top of him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and stared into my eyes. "I missed you."
He smiled, "I missed you the second you left."
I laughed and kissed him lightly on the lips.
"Don't you think we went a little fast?" I asked, the unsureness clear in my voice.
His lips quivered, "Not at all. Lilly, I've wanted to kiss you for a long, long time. I'm not sure I would've lasted another four months."
He weaved his fingers through my hair and traced my cheek bones.
I forced myself to stand up, and walk into the kitchen. Anthony got up soon after, sitting down at the table as I searched for food. After several minutes I slouched up against the counter.
"Where's all your food?"
Anthony laughed, his smiled knocking me to another universe.
"Are you kidding? I'm rarely home, why would I have food?"
I sighed, "You suck."
Anthony stood up and stomped over to me. He looked at me weird, his hair hanging all over his shoulders. "I'll order pizza then." I smiled, and watched him pick up the land line and set our order. I walked over to his record player and pulled out the Mother's Milk vinyl.
I put it on, and turned to face Anthony who was smiling at me. He walked over, and hooked his arms around me, as we swayed completely out of beat. "You know BSSM comes out tomorrow and you haven't heard a single track."
I laughed, "I will soon."
Which reminds me, I have to tell Anthony about the plane tickets...
He smiled, "That you will."
Now would be the time, Miss Kinks.
I frowned and struggled to get out of Anthony's grip. He looked concerned when I met his eyes with mine.
"I'm leaving tomorrow, Anthony.."
He frowned, the beginning of heart break to me.
"Why? Why can't you stay?"
"Because I live in Seattle, my life is there, my job is there, my house..."
I could tell Anthony was getting upset, but as I forced myself back into his hold, he calmed down. "We can talk about it later..."
He was right, there was no point in ruining the rest of the night with the depressing news of my departure.
Our pizza came soon after and we ate in silence at the table, both of us thinking about what we had discussed earlier.
When it was time for bed, Anthony carried me into his bedroom.
He laid me on the bed, and went straight into the bathroom. He didn't speak one word, and the only thing I did hear was the door slam shut and the shower turn on.
I felt uncomfortable with Anthony's silence being the only thing in the apartment noticeable by me. I rubbed my arms trying to make sense of my feelings.
I wanted to stay, but I had to go home. It was the same scene as months ago, except I was actually getting somewhere with Anthony.
I pulled off my shorts, took out my hair and snuggled under the sheets. Anthony's room was coated in darkness and the feeling of dread. When the shower did turn off, I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep to avoid having to talk with him about anything and everything.
He climbed into bed, but remained in a sitting position. I could feel nothing but his heavy gaze on me.
"Lilly, I know you're awake. Talk to me?"
I opened my eyes and slowly sat up. Anthony cleared his throat. I took a deep breath and looked at him.
His eyes were glassy and his hair was wet, hanging around his face. He was wearing pajama pants and thank god, no shirt. He smiled weakly, and motioned for me to sit on his lap.
I crawled over, positioned myself in between his legs as I wrapped mine around his waist.
He played with my hair and lightly brushed my cheek with the back of his hand.
"I understand that you have to go." He finally said.
I sniffled, and wiped away a stray tear. "Thank you, but I don't want to leave you again."
Anthony laughed, clearly trying to lighten the mood, "I don't want you to either. But I'm going to call you every day, and check up on you. Maybe I'll visit too."
He pressed his forehead against mine, our long hair tangling together. Our lips greeted each other in a passionate kiss. You could feel the sadness in both of our hearts, and I felt like I was dying a million deaths knowing that whatever we had rekindled could very possibly fall apart.
Anthony cuddled me all night long, only moving with the rise and fall of his chest as he breathed. I slept restlessly, dreading when I would have to wake up the next morning and leave such an angel.

I Could Die For You (Editing In Progress)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin