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Anthony and I went back to his house after another hour or so. I had been thinking about Anthony ever second his attention wasn't focused on me. As much I hated to admit it, I was feeling myself grow fond of him again. His laugh started it all, I think. We were having lunch on the boardwalk and I accidentally dumped the entire bottle of ketchup on my plate. He nearly went blue laughing so hard at me, and as red as my cheeks got I was feeling giddy at the same time.

I wanted to curse him for making me feel such a way again. He could so easily hurt me, and that's what I was afraid of. Even though he promised not to the other night.

I set down my bags of assorted goods Anthony had bought me and let out a deep breath. He watched me carefully as he nibbled on a pretzel stick he picked up from the bowl sitting on the marble counter.

"I'm going to go upstairs and.. uh, shower." I said motioning towards the ketchup and sand crusted on my skin. He nodded and smiled at me, not making a sound.

I scurried up the stairs to Anthony's bedroom, shut the door and looked around from the phone. I found one on the dresser and picked it up and brought it into the bathroom where I shut that door for extra privacy. I called the hotel Stone was at and waited patiently for him to pick up.

"Hello?" It was only mid-afternoon but Stone sounded like he just woke up.

"Dude? Hey, it's Lilly."

"Oh, Lilly! How are you? You okay?"

"I'm good, everything is cool."

"Oh okay, all right. What's up?"

"I'm not sure I'm coming to Seattle with you guys." I said, kind of sad.

"Oh...hmm... okay. That's fine. You staying with Anthony?"

"Yeah, I think..."

"You think?" He said chuckling slightly.

"I-I think I wanna see what happens, you know, if I stay one more day."

"That's okay, just be careful. Just call me and let me know if you need help getting' home."

Stone and I sad our goodbyes and I hung up the phone. I set down the phone, let out a sigh and then turned on the shower. The sound of the water immediately made me feel tired, and I longed for its embrace. I stripped down and stepped in, washed up and was out sooner than I would've liked.

I pulled down the towel and wrapped it around my wet, nakedness and pulled back the shower curtain.

I had no idea how Anthony got in, but he was standing there, smiling like a devil. My devil.

"How'd you..?" I began.

"Lilly, please don't deny me."

His smile disappeared and he stood serious, hunger flaming in his eyes.

"Deny you what?" I asked as he approached me.

Before I could utter another word, or he speak, his lips were pressed against mine. My towel dropped to the floor as I stood there, a little taken by surprise.

Anthony pulled away for a moment and his eyes spilled down me. He let out a small moan of arousal and approval.

"This." His eyes guided me to what exactly he was afraid I would say no to.

He kissed me again, this time more passionately and his hands gripped my wet body like he hadn't been with a woman in years. He seemed to read my thoughts.

"I've been with girls, but it's been awhile since Miss Lilly Kinks."

The way he said my name sent shivers up my spine, and his hungry kissing down my collar bone and to my breasts didn't help. My fingers were already tangled in his hair, and my body was preparing itself to be loved, and I knew, I had no willpower to deny him.

I let out a hearty breath and my chest flew up and down with excitement. "Yes...yes!" I said nearly crying out in frustration.

Anthony stopped kissing me and looked up into my eyes. "You'll let me?"

I nodded and tried my best to contain the arousal pumping through my body. He smiled and then immediately picked me up, and wrapped my legs around him as he carried me into the bedroom. He set me down on the bed, and then pulled his shirt off. I glanced over his bare chest and purred with approval.

"Not much about my body has changed since you left." He said in between kissing my chest.

I tightened my legs around his back and held his hips close against mine and tugged softly on his hair.

"Don't make me wait." I said demandingly.

He chuckled softly, and the feeling of his hot breath against my skin only made me want him more.

"No use in rushing it." He said simply as he positioned himself between my legs. His pants were still on.

I rolled my eyes back in annoyance, but soon Anthony was kissing me and taking my nipple with his pointer finger and thumb. I let out soft moans and kissed him back. Slowly, he began rocking his hips against me in gentle grinding notions that me nearly scream. I had had enough.

"Anthony God damn it," I could barely breathe, "Take me!"

He looked into my eyes and saw the lust radiating in them and knew I wasn't to be teased any longer. He unbuckled his shorts and took them off along with his boxers. Before I knew it he pressed into me and I let out a groan in happiness.

He kissed me softly on my lips, my breasts and neck while he thrusted into me, but I decided I was going to be in control for a while.

I forced him under me and used some of the things I learned from the many men I slept with. They seemed to please Anthony because he held one hand on me tightly and the other clenched the white, silky sheets in a fist.

"Shit, Lilly..." He breathed.

I rocked against him one last time, and then he moved me under again. Anthony's hands were place on either side of my head and he thrusted lovingly while kissing me. It only took a few more until I dragged my nails down Anthony's back and let out a pleasure-filled scream that echoed through the house.

Anthony thrusted again and he groaned my name as he shut his eyes tightly.

He climbed off me and plopped down beside me, breathing heavy.

I looked over at him and smiled, trying my best not to giggle. He looked back, completely in awe.

"Did the very heavens themselves teach you?" He said half-smiling.

I laughed and took him in my hand possessively, "Men aren't the only species to conquer in the bedroom."

He tensed, and seemed to become a little more erect with my hand on him.

"Lilly, please." He said, sounding much like the girl.

I laughed and sat up in bed.

He traced my back with his pointer finger and then pulled me back down so I rested on his chest.

"I want to fuck you every second of the day, and you have no idea how hard it is for me not to hurt you when we do have sex. God, Lilly, I want you so much."   

I Could Die For You (Editing In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now