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I was extremely happy to be home with Anthony-er, his home. For most of the morning we laid in bed, talking about where we wanted to have our engagement party, who we wanted to invite, what food we wanted served, etc. All of this talk made me excited and dreadful towards our weddings, with all of the planning ahead, oh God.. the planning. I hope Anthony is as helpful as he says he'll be. Fuck me if he doesn't.

Anthony smiled at me, moving a piece of chopped hair (I still couldn't believe that Kaity made me cut it) behind my ear.

"So we're having it on August 16th. Three weeks from today." He said in his cute morning voice.

I nodded, "Mhm.."

"So..maybe today we can go out and find you a dress?"

"I don't know, baby. I was hoping to get some calls in to my dad, maybe even ask around to see if there are any albums I could produce... I mean I need to get back out there.."

"Or, you could go naked. I mean I would prefer-"

"Anthony!" I burst into laughter. "Alright, alright. We'll go out!"

He smiled evilly, "Good, I'll make sure to pick something showy for you."

"Oh, not too showy though, sweetheart. There will be family there."

He leaned in and kissed my forehead. "Oh, I know."


"Try this one!" Anthony said encouragingly.

I moaned, "This is like the 28th dress I've tried on!"

"And you've looked amazing in each once, it's you who thinks who you look horrible."

I sighed and pressed my head against the wall.

"You try being a female." I hissed.

Anthony wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest.

"I'm telling you, you look like an angel in every dress. I love you, I love you, I love you. Please believe me."

I breathed in. "Ugh.... let's try this one on, and then go home. I want tacos."

He laughed and handed me a pink pencil tight dress, smiled and walked out of the dressing room.

"I'm going to go pick up a few things at the store around the corner and be right back. Don't take that dress off until I see it!" He said, and then ran off.

I tried on the dress and didn't bother even looking in the mirror. I refused to. I knew this wasn't the dress and I didn't care what I looked like. When Anthony took longer than 20 minutes, I couldn't stand it. I got up and forced myself to look.

"Oh, for fuck's sake." I said eyeing myself up and down. "It doesn't look that bad."

The dress had a v-neck cut, and came down to my mid thigh. My tits looked absolutely amazing.

Suddenly, the dressing room door was ripped open.

"Lilly, I bought us some presents-"

He looked me up like a piece of meat.

"We're buying this one."

I smiled. "Why so you can rip it off in two hours?"

Anthony and I bought the dress and then went suit shopping for him. Turns out, he only needed to try it on once because he was blessed with that male power. After that, we went out for dinner and then returned home. I showered, and as soon as I walked into the bedroom Anthony smiled at me.

"Lilly, take off the towel."

I looked down at my dripped wet body and the peach colored towel wrapped around it.

"What? Why?"

He shuffled around in a bag and pulled out a pair of pink handcuffs.

"Come on, kinks. Tell me you don't wanna get kinky."

I laughed, "So you're going to tie me up and fuck me?"

"Well I'm going to fuck you, absolutely. Tie you up, yes. And make love to you, definitely."

My stomach lit up with butterflies and I walked over to the bed.

"Then do it. Please, baby."

Anthony handcuffed me to the bed and well fucked me.

He went down on me, and made me come so many times I thought I was losing consciousness.

I Could Die For You (Editing In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now