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"Anthony and Lilly Awe The Nation!" Flea said falling on the floor laughing.

"Anthony and Lilly, Is The Sex Really As Good As It Sounds?" Chad added.

I squealed. "Chad!" My face was turning redder and redder each second.

Anthony was laughing along with the guys, which hurt my feelings a little bit. The only people who weren't laughing were Dave and Kurt. Krist was giggling with Eddie, but they weren't entirely amused.

Dave was staring at me, a bewildered look on his face, and merely a smirk on his lips. He chuckled to himself and then straightened his posture. "Hey Lilly, you wanna go for a walk?"

He stood up and walked over to me, holding his hand out for me to grab. I took it, and looked back at the zoo of laughing teenage boys. Dave smiled and wrapped his arm around my back as he lead me down the hall lined with small food stops.
I felt saddened by the fact that Anthony was laughing a little, almost at our relationship or whatever it was. I think Dave saw this, and decided to talk with me about it, since everyone else was having the best of time laughing at the headline.
We walked a little further before he sat me down on a bench in front of Auntie Anne's.

He looked at me and smiled. "So.. you okay?"

I nodded, unsure of my own feelings.

"You know, they weren't genuinely laughing at you or Anthony.. or your relationship. I know you probably thought so, I mean anyone who's in love, and trust me I can tell you are, starts to panic about that shit. I know too, I had this girl back in high school who I would just fantasize... never mind. But yeah, they were laughing at the media. They see a few pictures of you guys kissing and they think it's the new Sid and Nancy. Journalists in these days aren't journalists. They're meat-hungry monsters who feed off of their favoritism. That means selling shit that's not concrete. Now, I don't know if you and Anthony have really taken the "Country By Storm!" but, I do know that people are noticing the two of you and your love. People notice things that are very strong. Very strong emotionally, physically, or even fake shit. But you and Anthony have a very strong love. That's what they're trying to sell."

I looked at Dave for a minute, his words seeping into my head like warm drops of faucet water. It all made sense when he said it.

"But Anthony- why was he laughing?"

"Because he sees that too! He loves you. He really does Lilly... all of the guys see that. We all see you, too. Kurt, Eddie and I all see you... you know what I mean? We all see you as a beautiful woman, one we'd love to be with, but Anthony puts off a sort of stench to us.. God, I make it sound like we're wolves. But I don't know.. he.. we can tell you're his. And he's yours."

I looked at Dave for a second, and then looked away. I stared at the flickering sign hanging on the back wall of the pretzel shop and then felt a giggle bubble up inside of me.

I looked back to Dave and then smiled. "You're a sweet guy."

He smiled back at me and then looked down at the floor and back at me. "You kicked ass on stage the other night too.. I have to say, I wasn't expecting that."

I felt myself blush, "Thank you."

He nodded, "How long you been playing?"

"Oh gosh... since I was maybe 14?"

"Nice.. I heard a rumor you play drums too?"

"I dabble, I'm better suited with six strings though."

Dave laughed, "I could give you lessons some time!"

I smiled back at him, "Sounds lovely. We should get back now, we're boarding in a few."

He grinned slightly and then walked back to the group of not-so-teenage boys-anymore. They all looked a little shameful when I came back, watching me with a careful eye as I sat down.

Lindy coughed awkwardly and looked up at Kurt who was staring him down with the heat of a thousand suns.

He furrowed his eye brows and urged him on with a nod.

"I-uh... wanted to apologize for laughing at the magazine..."

John elbowed Chad. "Yeah, the rest of us too."

I stared at them all intently, trying to figure out what was going on. Why were they apologizing now?

"It's-It's okay."

All the guys seemed to be able to breathe again, but I just stared at Anthony who stared back at me, with a very tiny smile on his lips.

I Could Die For You (Editing In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now