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John held me tightly and dragged me to the bed in between my tears. He sat me down on his lap and repeatedly asked me what was wrong.
"Lilly, what's the matter?!"
I managed to sniffle up my sadness and answer him. "Anthony and I got into a fight."
He pulled me against him more, and kissed my forehead. "I'm sorry Lilly."
I wiped my nose with my sleeve and snuggled in John's lap more. "It's okay."
"Was it about, uh what's his name....."
"Yeah, him."
John nodded, "I figured. Anthony usually doesn't get mad at his girlfriends, this is new. Well, I guess you'll be sleeping here tonight?"
"Could I?"
"Lilly, you're the only girl I'd ever want to sleep in my hotel room."
I laughed quietly and crawled off John's lap.
"Time for bed then."
I watched John walk around to his side of the bed and pull back the sheets. I climbed in after him and snuggled in the pillows.
He held me once again and hummed in my ear softly.
Without a conversation going, I started thinking about Anthony again.
Then I started crying.
"Lilly, what's wrong now?"
I turned around and pressed my head on John's chest.
"It's all my fault."
He chuckled lightly, "Sweetheart, out of anyone, you to cheat? Never. It was just a simple argument and Anthony lost control of his anger."
Maybe that was all that did happen? I was so nervous that I had possibly made a really big mistake. John calmed me down once again, and let me sleep in his arms for the rest of the night.
I know what you're thinking, too. I don't like John, like that...
He's a brother to me, and I see of him only good. He treats me like an angel, and I see him as one.
Despite the comfort, warmth and heaven that John provided, my dreams were scarce. I had a hard time falling asleep, and when I did it felt like I slept for maybe 3 hours.
John's alarm went off at 5:30, and I knew it was time to get up and get on the road.
When I opened my eyes, John was sitting up in bed running his fingers through his hair in the most frustrated way possible.
"You okay?" I said sitting up.
He nodded, bit his lip and then met eyes with me.
"Anthony is coming down in an hour to talk with you.. I told him no, but he insisted. I'm sorry Lilly."
"Don't worry about it, honestly."
John sighed, "I'll let you have first shower then. So you know, you're ready."
I laughed and kissed his cheek quickly, "Thanks man."
I sat on the bed waiting patiently as the clock got close and closer to 6:30. My long curly brown hair fell around my shoulders, slightly covering the peach crop top I was wearing and my beat up leather jacket.
It must've been 6:40 when I heard a knock on the door. I looked over at John, who nodded reassuringly, and then slipped into the bathroom to give me some privacy.
I stood up, pulled up my black leggings and walked slowly over to the door.
This was probably the first time I ever dreaded seeing Anthony.
When I opened the door however, he looked worse than me.
His eyes were lifeless, and there were dark bags underneath them.
He looked like death.
When he saw me, his top lip quivered. From anger, or sadness, I couldn't tell.
"Hi A.K."
I stared at my bruised and scruffed sneakers as an awkward silence fell on us.
"I'm sorry."
I looked up at Anthony, and saw the most pleading heartbreak in his eyes.
My face must've looked confused because Anthony continued.
"I'm sorry I was such an asshole last night about Connor."
I shook my head, blinking back the stinging in my eyes.
In all of the situations, I didn't know what to say.
Anthony shifted his weight, waiting for me to answer, but I couldn't.
"You didn't sleep with him did you...?"
I lost it there. Rage boiled up in my stomach, and before I could stop myself, I slapped him hard across the face.
He clenched his jaw, while a red mark formed on his left cheek.
"Fuck you."
The only thing that came to mind.
Anthony nodded his head, and before I had any time to protest, he had me up against the wall with his head buried in my neck. No kisses, no smiling, just a strong, tight hug.
At first I wasn't sure what to do, but eventually I wrapped my arms around his neck and let my body swoon into his.
He took full advantage of my body's acceptance, and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and looked into his eyes.
They were glowing the beautiful, warm brown they usually did.
I never accepted Anthony's apology formally, but when I kissed him, we both knew we were both sorry about everything.
He set me down again and smiled.
"I didn't fucking sleep at all last night."
I laughed, "Me either."
"When did you learn to hit like that?" Anthony rubbed his sore cheek, and sighed.
"I'm a waitress, you know how many assholes hit on me?"
He smiled, and pressed his forehead against mine.
"I'm glad you're back Kinks."
"So am I. You know what this means?"
Anthony laughed and then pecked my lips, biting softly on my bottom. "Makeup sex."

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