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The night had strolled on in, and everyone was seated and waiting for their dinner to be served. I sat beside Anthony, who was tracing his wedding band and smiling, as he listened in depth to Clara's story on how she scraped her knee this morning riding her scooter.

I looked around the room, my stomach bubbly with happiness. So many people I loved were here. My dad was sitting with Peggy and her family, all getting to know each other and all of Anthony's friends were here as well. Kaity was sitting at the table next to mine, loving up to one of Anthony's very handsome Hollywood friends. He seemed really into her, and her luscious blond locks.

I rubbed my temples and took a deep, relaxing breath.

"And so, daddy rushed out and scooped me up and carried me back inside, and put this yucky burning stuff on my boo-boo, and then this Hello Kitty band-aid!!" She said, pointing a stubby little finger at the bandage.

Anthony smiled and kiss her scraped knee, "Well I hope it gets better real soon, sweet pea!"

She hopped off her seat and gave him a quick hug, just as our waiter came out with our food. They set down salad, and then after we ate that, returned with chicken. I ate quietly, trying my best to act like I was interested in the conversations being given out at the table. I was happy to be with Anthony, but as I looked around the table I saw nothing but the empty chair next to me. John would've been sitting here.

I smiled weakly and managed to excuse myself to use the bathroom. Once I was in the privacy of the bathroom stall, I collapsed my head in my hands. Oh God. I shouldn't be upset on my wedding day should I? I mean... it wasn't for a bad reason... just that I missed John.

Before I could get too deep in thought, I heard a knock on my stall door.

"Lilly, it's almost time for your dance." Kaity said.

I took a deep breath and followed her out to the dance floor. Anthony stood patiently, his hands crossed like a gentleman. His hair was pushed over his shoulders and he had the quirky grin on his face that he wore from that time we went out to breakfast the morning we officially met.

I swiftly walked to him, and found myself wrapped up quite comfortably in his arms. Everyone stood up and watched us dance to a blues slow dance with loud trumpets (this would mean Big Bad Flea was on stage). It was nonetheless so beautiful.

Anthony and I stared straight into each other's eyes, and I'm sure both of us were counting the stars and matching it up with a reason we loved each other, because I definitely was. The song went on longer and longer, but it only lasted a few minutes. He spun me in circles and laughed at how I tried my best to keep up with his pace. I landed with my back against his chest to a piano solo and then dipping to the sound of a little violin. My heart was soaring, and beating faster than I thought was safe.

Anthony pulled me against him, kissed my forehead and said softly, "I will always be your Vienna, dear flower." Tears swelled up in my eyes as I thought about the meaning behind the Billy Joel song.

We swayed together in the warm glow of the chandelier above us, and then as the piano cascaded around the room like a soft zephyr, I heard the gentle plucking of a song that was oddly familiar. Anthony smiled and kissed me quickly, "Don't trip and fall when you take off, sweetheart."

Puzzled, I turned around and whipped the fabric of my dress to the stage, still holding on to Anthony's hands. There, in a white suit and pink tie (like Anthony's), was John. I fell to pieces.

Tears that had been hiding in my eyes all day long, suddenly dripped down my cheeks in millions as he stood on stage, his magnificent white guitar hanging on his chest as played one of the song we wrote so long ago. It was a slower one that he had written about me. There were no lyrics, because he said he didn't know if he could think something up that would match. I only smiled and kissed his cheek.

I leaned up against Anthony, using him for my support to keep from collapsing. John strolled down the stage, past Flea, to the mike where he spoke in a clear, healthy voice that ripped me even more.

"A few years ago, my best friend Anthony met this girl Lilly. She was tiny, and so full of life. At the time, I hadn't realized how wonderful she was until I got clean off of dope and needed her more than ever. Now, here I am watching her in the shining light of the heavens, dancing with her husband and my best friend. Anyways, I wrote this song for her when we were still together and I played it almost every day I was high or sick, because the thought of her in the song kept me going. Even when I was close to overdosing."

He pulled away and started up with the beginning chords. Anthony kissed my cheek from behind, and wiped away my tears. John got near the end of the song, and started walking down the stairs of the stage, out to the dance floor, where he began strolling towards me.

"Go on." Anthony whispered.

I took off for John and when I was ten feet away he threw off his guitar and held his arms wide open. I must've hit him at 65 miles per hour.

He picked me up and swung me, dragging me down onto his lap as he snuggled me on the floor, in a sitting position.

"Forgive me, Lilly." He wept into my shoulder.

I hugged him tightly and cried happily. "Shut up, John."

Everyone laughed and John and I stayed there for a little longer.

I was told later on by Kaity that we sat together for a good fifteen minutes.

It felt like seconds, in all honesty.

I Could Die For You (Editing In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now