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Sunshine tumbled through the windows and fell across the bed. I knew it was morning, but I neglected any feeling to get up. I felt Anthony was awake next to me, watching me struggle to do the same. Another minute passed and I felt his lips pressed against mine.

In response, my eyes fluttered open and landed on his face. I smiled warmly, feeling his essence inside of me, his love in my veins.

"Hello, my little Indian prince."

His lips lifted into a smirk and his brought his body above mine, his arms on either side of my sides. "Good morning. Where'd you come up with that one?"

"When we first dated, I used to think of you as one."

He kissed me again on my collar bone and let out a deep breath.

"I live for you, Lilly."

I brushed some hair out of his face and ran my fingers through his very long hair.

"I know, babe."

"It hurts, so much."

"Why does it hurt?" I could feel a sob build in his chest, so I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close to me.

"Because I could lose you."

My heart throbbed in pain as well, but I knew the truth. I kissed his head and smiled to myself.

"Even in death you could not lose me again, Anthony. We're not even married yet and I know you're my soul mate. I am connected to you with every thread of my being."

He cried for a minute or two, but I felt him kiss me again.

"Come on, now," I said and began to get up from bed, "Let's shower and go out for breakfast. We have spouse things to discuss, don't we?"

He nodded and followed me into the bathroom like a lost puppy. We washed up and dressed in some easy-breezy clothing. I suggested a little restaurant down by the shore for breakfast, and Anthony seemed more than happy to go. We rode down on his motorcycle and parked outside. I knew Anthony had been here before, because when we walked in the hostess tried to get Anthony to talk with her privately. They must've had a thing, maybe some time ago, but he ignored her signals and sat down at the table with me.

We both ordered a giant fruit salad, both of us feeling in a healthy mood.

Anthony popped a strawberry in his mouth, and his tongue licked his lips, savoring the light red juice left behind. I watched him in arousal, and he noticed.

He let out a loud chuckle, "Lilly, I fear for our honeymoon."

I smiled, "Why?"

"Because I can't even eat a berry without you thinking about," he lowered his voice, "my cock!"

My face turned red, "How did you know I was even thinking about it?!"

He ran his fingers through his hair and smiled at me.

"Your nipples are hard."

My face turned ever redder.

Anthony laughed even more. "Oh baby, don't be embarrassed. I'm trying to fight off an erection."

I burst out laughing, feeling totally comfortable now. Between my giggled I managed to spit out what I was thinking. "I know what we're doing tonight."

He smiled, "I love you, honey."

"I love you too, Mr. Hard-On. Now, when do you want to tell everyone?"

"I already invited Flea and Chad over for dinner tonight. But more importantly, we need to get you a ring, don't we?"

"Nope, I don't want one. I never saw the purpose of one. Wedding, maybe, but why would you spend the money on it?"

I Could Die For You (Editing In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now