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I had never been to California before, but once I got off the plane, I wasn't exactly thrilled. It was hot, and there were girls walking around in short shorts, tight, tiny tank tops that exposed their breasts, and long luscious blonde hair hanging high in a pony tail.

They played pop music in almost every store over the speaker system, and there wasn't a drop of rain anywhere. It was hell for me.

But this, was where Anthony spent most of his life. This was his jungle, his domain, his kingdom, and you knew he knew almost every crack in the street by the way he strutted along the sidewalks.
He was chilled when we drove to the hotel, and even more chilled when we unpacked in our hotel room together. When we finished, he lounged on the bed and watched me carefully. I smiled at him, and then looked out the window.

There were tall buildings scattered across the horizon, and the beach was in the distance. I could smell the ocean from here and in all honesty, I hated it. I never liked the beach. I cracked the window, and took a deep breath, but ended up coughing. It smelled like garbage and rotten food.
I peek my head out the window and looked below. Sitting there was a giant dumpster, the lid open and what could've been dead, rotting bodies for all I knew. I sighed and brought my head back inside, then shutting the window. 10 shows in this shithole and then we were off to Europe.

I turned around to face Anthony again who was still watching me.

"You wanna do something?" I said with a huff.

He smirked, suddenly very curious. "Like what?"

I shifted my weight to my left hip and thought for a second. "I don't know, let's go to a skate park."

Anthony smiled, "well you're not going to go in that, right?"

I looked down at my baggy sweatpants and Misfits shirt, then back at him. "What the fuck is wrong with this? Sorry I'm not walking around in shorts that don't cover my ass, and shirts that scream "Cup A32!!""

Anthony threw up his hands in a lazy surrender, "Hey!"

I flipped him off, and walked over to my suitcase. I was pretty annoyed with him, like fuck you! I can wear whatever the fuck I want to, fucking shithead. It's not like there were going to be any guys there that really cared, you know? God.

I pulled out some old beat blue jean shorts, a white tank top (that covered my boobs), a red and white flannel and some converse. Anthony watched me walk into the bathroom, but I shut the door.
My face stared back at me in the mirror. Tired eyes in desperate need of resting, long, knotty brown hair and pouty pink lips. I sighed, and put my hair up in a high pony tail, then dressing myself in my clothing. When I walked out, Anthony was dressed in a pair of shorts and absolutely nothing covering his chest except a necklace.

I looked him up and down, taking in the perfect sculpture he was. I shook my head, I'm supposed to be annoyed with him! It's that god damn body..

I grabbed my black skateboard, covered in stickers and marker drawings, following Anthony out the door with his baby blue skateboard in hand. We walked into the hall, smelling heavily of perfume and cologne. I started walking half-way down the hall when I stopped and spun around on my heel to face Anthony. He stopped dead in his tracks, almost toppling over me.

"I'm gonna invite some of the guys..uh.. okay?" I said smiling.

He nodded, "Go ahead, I'll be down in the lobby."

I jogged back down the end, and knocked on the door. Eddie opened it, shirtless and his perfect curly hair hanging in his face. He smiled when he saw me, his rosey cheeks so cute and proud.

I Could Die For You (Editing In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now