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I woke Lilly up around eight and dragged her into the bathroom for a shower. I knew I had to go down to the studio to sign papers and start to record the final songs off the album, but I didn't really want to. All I really wanted to do was lay in bed with my fiancé and talk about everything. It's all I ever wanted to do, although I couldn't because of all the stuff I had to do.

We showered, got dressed and headed down to the studio for breakfast. Lilly was exhausted from dinner the previous night, and she seemed upset. I asked her repeatedly if anything was wrong and she never answered me with a straight answer. I half wondered if it was someone who had upset her. Maybe someone she called last night without my knowing? An old friend? Her dad, even?

I thought about it the whole drive down, and I'm sure Lilly knew, too. She tried to make small talk, but I was too caught up to indulge fully. Soon enough, we pulled up in front of the studio, and we hopped out and began walking. Dave was already there, I could see his car parked in front of Flea's. It made my blood boil to think he would try to make a move on my baby like that... even the thought of her with another man-this included anyone she'd been with before we got back together-made me want to punch someone bloody.

I jogged up to Lilly and lovingly and protectively wrapped my arm around her. She smiled and let out a deep sigh, like the sigh you let out when getting into bed after a horrible day. It made me happy to know she felt comfortable with me, and I could tell she did by the way she acted around me, and touched me too.

As soon as I walked into the lounge area just outside of the recording booth I saw Dave. Lilly gently ran her hand down my back, probably trying to calm me down. I was pissed already. Flea got up and smiled at Lilly, took her hand and led her outside to go for a walk. It was always nice in California when August started.

Chad sat on the couch watching me, there was no doubt he knew Dave and I would get in a fight. Speaking of the devil, Dave got up from the couch and started walking toward me with the sarcastic smirk on his face, his perfectly trimmed facial hair and his medium short black hair the curved around his chin. I could hardly hold myself back from beating the shit out of him.

He reached out and started to talk.

"Anthony, man, we have some stuff to discuss..."

Before he could touch me, I swung my fist across his face. He feel to the floor, completely shocked at what I had done. The only thing I was thinking about was Dave's drunk breath cascading into Lilly's nose as he spoke sloppily to her, and tried to grab her ass. I thought about the guy who tried to rape her a few years back. There wasn't stopping me now.

Dave got back up and rubbed his face. "Anthony, what the fuck!"

I pushed myself against his stomach and knocked him down. I sat on top of him and punched him again, and then grabbed a fistful of his shirt.

"Don't you ever fucking touch my girl! You mother fucker!"

His eyes widened when he realized why I was so mad. Then he got mad too.

"You were the one who was fucking shooting up in a god damn closet, you asshole!"

He pushed me underneath, and started punching me. I felt like the Incredible Hulk. Never before had I experienced such a pure rage.

I managed to punch Dave again, and after that it turned into a dust cloud of cursing, accusing and hitting. Chad was screaming at us trying to separate us each chance he got but it was no use. Dave and I were equally very strong, and although Chad was too, we were double his strength together.

Finally, when both Dave and I were bloody and bruised, Rick Rubin came in with a Styrofoam cup of coffee. He saw us on the floor, battling it out like teenage boys and I saw for the first time, Rick lose his shit.

He slammed his coffee down, spilling it all over the table and stomped over to us in the blink of an eye. He ripped Dave off of me with one hand, and then pulled me up with the other. Rick looked like a giant when he was angry, like an ogre, or a principal breaking up a school boy fight.

He pushed us onto the couch and glared at us, all this time not saying a word. He walked back to his cup of coffee, and took a gulp, then taking a seat in his spinning chair.

Rick watched us, and Chad who was also pretty shocked at his sudden attitude and strength.

"I swear, it's like you four are my fucking sons."

I Could Die For You (Editing In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now