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I woke up early again the next day to grab myself a shower. I rented out the same one, washed up the same way, but changed into sweatpants and a tank top. I let my hair dry naturally and skipped out on makeup.
Believe it or not, thinking about last night only turned me on, so I had to try and block it out. I got back to the studio just in time for recording. I grabbed a bagel and some coffee off the table and we immediately jumped into the next songs.
It was going good until around 3:00 when we were all getting tired and restless. We were on our 7th song, and actually making great progress. At this point, tomorrow we could record the last three songs and I could be on a plane back to Seattle the next day.
As those thoughts appeared, they left just as quickly as I felt a strong set of hands wrapped around my stomach. They spun me around, and I was faced with dazzling brown eyes. Anthony was standing in front of me, smiling like crazy. His hair fell of his shoulders and mixed with mine as he snuggled his head in my neck, planting kisses. It was making me giggle, but I managed to tell Al we were going to close it out for the day.
Anthony moaned in approval at my words and the grabbed my hand and pulled me outside.
"Why such a hurry?" I asked smiling.
"You have to meet the guys now!" He said cheerfully, "And they can't wait."
Oh God.
Anthony pressed his forehead against mine and looked into my eyes as he planted a playful kiss on my nose, "There only children, you know. Except Flea, he's a little bit of a father figure now." He laughed and then ran off for his car.
My stomach tied itself in knots. What if they thought I was fake? Shit, how was I going to do this?
"Well come on Lilly!" Anthony laughed as he motioned for me.
I reluctantly jogged towards him and hopped in the car.
We were 10 minutes into the car ride, and I hadn't said a word. Anthony sensed how tense I was, and it seemed like it was upsetting him.
"I guess we should talk about last night..."
Last night? Why?
"Uh, I guess." I said.
Anthony croaked, "Do you not want us to be together? I know last night was kind of fast."
I tried my best not to laugh, but I only giggled. "Anthony, did you not realize how close I was to getting in bed with you? I obviously want to be with you." He smiled and took a deep breath.
"Good. So then what's the matter Kinks?"
"I'm just nervous about meeting the other guys."
Anthony laughed, "Lilly, believe me, they're going to love you. They know you're a fan, and that I'm a fan of yours. How could they not like you?"
I followed Anthony inside the dinner and to a table in the back. Sitting and talking about some girl's pussy was John, Flea and Chad. My heart was beating a mile a minute at the sight of them. Here are the men I had spent most of my time worshipping. John stood up as soon as he saw me. He rushed over and smothered me in a hug.
I didn't understand the extremely friendly gesture until he spoke quietly into my ear, "I'm so sorry about that night, I'm so so so sorry."
John's words had brought back flashbacks, but I was okay with remembering that night now. I only whispered, "It's okay" and hugged him back. Next, Flea got up. He wrapped me in a warm embrace and said, "The famous Lilly Kinks." I smiled, and then shook Chad's hand.
I guess I had nothing to worry about after all.
I sat down besides Anthony and drank my water generously as the guys asked me questions.
"So where are you from?" Chad asked.
"Seattle." Anthony said smiling.
"Do you have a job?" John said, equally as interested as Chad.
"Yes, she's a waitress, a bar maid, and she's working to record Rage Against The Machine's new album." Anthony answered.
Flea laughed, "Jesus Anthony, why don't you let her speak."
I giggled, and saw Anthony smile at me.
"Excuse me, I just have to run off to the bathroom quick." I said. As I got up and turned around I felt myself slump. God, I was acting so "straight edge"! Table manners? Was I being to polite? Am I just over thinking everything? I need some alcohol in my system, man oh man. I walked into the bathroom and took a look in the mirror. I poked the freckle right above my lip and rubbed my eyes.
I had a few minutes to think before it would seem like I was taking a shit. I can't be the only one who constantly worries about that stuff right?
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Surprisingly, even though I had already met the guys, my hands were still shaking.
Last night popped into my head. Tingles shot up my body in waves, as the familiar hotness warmed my lips, just like when Anthony kissed me. I was dying to have that action with him again. I had to pace myself though, or how else was I going to survive knowing him? Jesus Christ.

I Could Die For You (Editing In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now