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We pulled up in front of the motel in downtown New York, which was probably one of the best downtown motels I'd ever seen.
We all started unloading our shit and following Lindy and Eric inside to buy rooms. Within minutes I had my key, and Anthony was right by my side.
On the ride over, Anthony managed to talk Lindy into getting us to have the same room, but he didn't promise it would be like that all the time.
I waved goodbye to everyone, and then followed Anthony up to the second level where our room was.
He unlocked it, and pushed the door open cautiously. You never knew what condition a motel room could be in.
Luckily, the motel gods were in our favor, and we got a really good looking room. There was a queen size bed on the left wall, a small bathroom in the back and a TV on the right wall across from the bed with a small two person table in the corner.
Anthony set down our bags and sat down on the bed, clearly exhausted.
I sat beside him, and let him lay down in my lap. His breathing steadied as I played with his hair gently and hummed.
"Someone's gotta go to bed early tonight." I said laughing slightly as he began to fall asleep.
He opened his eyes wide and tried to stay awake as best he could. Eventually he sat back up and smiled.
"Sleep with me tonight."
I chuckled, "Like I wasn't going to."
He smiled, "You wanna get something to eat?"
My stomach growled. "Yeah, we better."
He laughed and rubbed my belly, "Gotta feed The Mighty Kinkster."
We rounded up all the guys and decided on going to a Chinese buffet. It wasn't really what I was craving, but buffet meant a lot of food.
When we got there, Stone and Jeff nearly ran to get their plates first. I laughed at their boyish behavior and walked with John to go get our table set up. We picked one all the way in the back away from people so it would be less likely that we were noticed.
Eddie, Mike, Billy and the rest of S.P. sat down at the table. John sat across from me, and I had a seat saved next to me for Anthony, who was getting food. On the other side of me, was Stone's seat. He insisted on sitting with me. Across from him was supposed to me Jeff's.
I waited patiently for everyone else to return so John and I could go up and get out food.
He smiled at me calmly, and let me feel completely at ease.
"i'd really like for you to play with us on night, Lilly. I've never met a girl who manipulate a guitar like that before."
I blushed and pushed a few strands of hair behind my ear, "I don't know John...."
"Just think about it, okay?"
I smiled, and nodded softly.
John smiled back at me, our friendship growing even more as we got to know each other through conversation.
Another minute or two later, everyone else returned with their food, so the other half got up to hunt for ours. I followed John around, figuring he'd get some good stuff.
I piled up whatever I could, and then headed back to the table with a big glass of cherry Coke.
As I sat down Anthony eyed my plate humorously.
"What're you smirking about hot stuff?" I said giggling as I picked up my fork and knife.
"Nothing. It's just cute when a girl has a good appetite."

I Could Die For You (Editing In Progress)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon