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Anthony's POV

  After recording, I went into the small lounge area, collapsed on the red couch and rubbed my temples. Today had turned to shit pretty quickly.

"Hey man." I felt someone sit down beside me.

I opened my eyes and turned to face Flea, who's hair was a curly mess.

"Hey." My heart began to feel sore, where was my Lilly?

"You better go find that kid." He said, settling more in the couch.

I brought my body forward and folded my hands together. Lilly.

"Dave said she went down the bar for a drink almost an hour and a half ago."

Hearing Dave's name made my body sizzle with annoyance.

"You should go... like now." Flea said gently pushing on my back.

I stood up and waved him off. "I'm going, I'm going."

On the way out I grabbed my coat, and sunglasses, hoping this wouldn't make the front cover of any magazine. "Anthony Kiedis drives her girlfriend to bar after huge fight", "Anthony Kiedis and Lilly Kinks: Troubled couple!", I could just imagine all of it.

My pace quickened as my worry about Lilly grew. From what she told me about the year we spent apart, she had become very, very fond of alcohol. I wasn't going to let my baby get really drunk if I wasn't there to carry her home.

I pushed open the door to the bar, setting off the small bell above it. I started searching the crowd immediately. There were a lot of heavy drinkers hanging around, but I couldn't find Lilly. When the search seemed hopeless I went up to the bartender and asked if he had seen a girl with dark brown hair, and a little shorter than me. He nodded and pointed to a dimly lit corner in the back that had a small table.

I did my best to get to it as quickly as possible, curious as to what the sweet angel's condition was. When I reached her, she was collapsed over the table with shot glasses and bottles of vodka emptied around her. I was surprised someone as petite as her could clean out that much alcohol.


She didn't stir.

"Lilly? Babe? Come on, wakey-wakey time."

Figuring she had passed out, I picked up her body and swung her in my arms. I pushed my way back out of the bar and waited outside for a cab, which took us back to my house. From there, I set Lilly down on the bed and went to the bathroom to start a bath.

When I came back to get her, she was already awake and undressing herself.

"Well! Look who's decided to rejoin us!"

She lifted her head up, which revealed the dark circles forming underneath her eyes, and even though she looked like she hadn't slept in years, she still managed a glare in my direction.

Lilly walked-naked-to the bathroom where I heard her plop down in the tub. I took a deep breath and walked in after her.

She was comfortably sitting in the clear hot water when I came in, her body looked more inviting than ever, even though it was pulsing with vodka.

I sat down next to the tub and slipped my hand in the water. It was so warm, I almost dove in too.

"Lilly, I want to apologize for yelling at you today."

She opened her right eye and stared me down curiously. After a while she closed it and let out a sigh.

"I am... I am sorry. You know I would never yell at you like that."

She laughed. "But you did, didn't you?"

I nodded. "Yeah... it's just things with Dave aren't smooth... there isn't a real connection. I don't what we're going to do.." My voice started to crack. "I just wish John was with us still."

Lilly opened her eyes, which were now red. She lifted her hand and motioned for me to get in the tub, which I did as quickly as possible. I pulled her into my lap and we both sat there, enjoying the water.

She kissed my chest softly. "I forgive you."  

I Could Die For You (Editing In Progress)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें