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Anthony stood awkwardly outside of my door peeking his head in. I laughed quietly to myself. 

"You can come in, Anthony." 

He smiled at me and took two giant steps into my apartment. I walked over to the bookshelf against the wall behind my couch and hit the button on my answering machine. 

"15 new messages." I started untying my shoe laces as the machine went through. 

"Lilly? It's Kaity. Are you okay? I didn't see you at the club, did you get picked up? Are you getting laid? Call me back before I start worrying. Alright, love you." Next message. "Okay Lilly, either you're really having the best fuck of your life, or you've been kidnapped. Seriously, what is going on? Call me back!" I got the feeling all of these messages were going to be from Kaity. "Lilly, I'm going to send a search party if you don't fucking call me back. Honestly, what am I supposed to do if you won't fucking tell me what's going on?!" 

I kicked off my shoes at the end of that message and hit the delete button. I turned around to see Anthony walking around my apartment and looking at pictures of me and friends, me as a kid, me with family, etc. in the picture frames I had hanging around.

I picked up the phone and walked into my small kitchen. I dialed Kaity's number and prepared to be screamed at. Dial tone. Dial tone. Dial tone. "Hello?" 

I took a deep breath, "Hey Kaity, it's Lilly." 

I heard what sounded like a squawk on the other line. "WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU FUCKING BEEN? I'VE BEEN WORRIED SICK! I ALMOST CALLED THE FUCKIN POLICE YOU SON OF A BITCH." I pulled the phone away from my mouth as Kaity ranted on and on. I knew I shouldn't be laughing, but Kaity never got mad, or cursed. 

When it sounded like she had calmed down, I pulled the phone back to my face. "Listen Kaity, it's a long story. Can we meet up for coffee tonight at the place on 2nd Street? I kinda have a lot to tell you..."

"Fine. 7:00. Try actually being there, whore."

I chuckled, "Alright. See you then! Bye, love you." I hung up the phone and walked back into my living room to see Anthony adjusting his coat. 

"Hey, Kinks." I smiled widely. He watched me for a second, and the corners of his mouth slowly turned downwards. "Listen, I'm leaving town tonight for our next show." I felt myself frown too. "But," Anthony took out a small sheet of scrap paper from his pocket and grabbed a pen off my desk, "I'll be calling you." He scribbled his number on the paper and handed it to me, with a flirty smirk on his face. 

I looked at the handwriting, admiring how strange but beautiful it was. I ripped it in half and wrote my number on that piece. I stuffed it into his jacket pocket, "Alright, that sounds good. See you around A.K." Anthony kissed my cheek and gave me a friendly goodbye smile before disappearing outside. My hand traced the small area where his lips touched, and whether I wanted it or not, I got butterflies.

***Later that day***

I spotted Kaity sitting in a booth up against the window, with her cup of coffee and her face stuffed in Women by Charles Bukowski. I slid in the seat in front of her, awaiting my proper scolding. Instead, her head rose from her book briefly, and she spoke. "Go on, tell me." 

I let out a deep breath and started explaining how I left for some fresh air...

With only a few tears shedding, I managed to tell Kaity everything that had happened in the last 24 hours. Her mouth was hanging open, and tears rimmed her eyes. 

"Oh my God, Lilly... I'm so sorry. I had no idea that was happening... I feel so bad. Are you okay?"

I nodded my head, "I'm fine. Don't apologize, it's not like you had anything to do with it."

"I know, but if I hadn't dragged you to the club.." She wiped her eyes quickly and sniffled.

"Listen, Kaity. Don't feel bad, don't harbor one ounce of remorse or regret. It happened, and there is nothing we can do about it. I'm okay, I'll live."

She nodded and changed the subject. "So, Anthony Kiedis?"

I laughed lightly, "Yeah, he said he was going to call." I pulled out a piece of paper with his delicate handwriting on it. I slid it across the table and watched as Kaity held it in her hands like a prized jewel.

"Oh my fucking God."

I Could Die For You (Editing In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now