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My alarm woke me up at 6, and the reluctancy to get up settled in immediately. I forced myself out of Anthony's arms, who woke as soon as I did so. I kissed his cheek and walked into the bathroom for a shower.
When I had finished, and changed into my standard work clothing (black skirt, white shirt) he was sitting on the edge of the bed. His smooth shiny hair was dangling over his chest while he rubbed his palms together.
I pulled his chin up and sat down on his lap while I hooked my legs around his waist.
He snuggled his head against my chest and closed his eyes, seemingly listening to my heart beat.
"I don't want you to go." He whispered.
I kissed the top of his head, "Neither do I. But I'll be back before you know it."
I pulled myself off of his lap and went to go put on sneakers.
After that Anthony walked me to the door. He helped me into my jacket and kissed me long and hard.
"I'll see you at dinner baby."
I smiled back at him while inching my way out the door, "Remember me."
"How could I not?"
He blew me a kiss and then shut the door quietly.
Once my shift was over with Kaity, I drove downtown to this recording studio Eric had given me. I felt pretty silly wearing this clothing, but I didn't really have time to change.
I pulled up in front of a small brick building, and heard the smashing of drums inside. Sounded good from what I could make out. I rang the buzzer and waited patiently for someone to answer.
Sure enough, what could only be Eric's voice answered the call.
"Eric! It's Lilly Kinks!"
"Ahh! Lilly! Come on up!"
The doors clicked open and I dashed inside and up the flight of stairs.
When I entered the small room, 5 guys were talking quietly and laughing. As soon as my sneakers scuffed the wooden flooring they looked up and watched me. I had never felt more awkward in my life. I stuffed my car keys in my pocket and ran a hand threw my messy brown hair.
A man with perfect brown hair rushed over to greet me. His callused, warm, father-like hands enveloped mine, completely ridding them of their coldness. He smiled, and searched my eyes, like he was trying to read the story behind them.
"So nice to finally meet you, Miss Kinks." He said shaking my hand.
"I assume you're Eric?" I asked, smiling shyly.
He nodded and let go of my hand, then to salute me. "The one and only!"
He reminded me so much of my dad. "Nice to see you." I said beaming.
Eric guided me over to the 5 men still watching me, their posture putting off a sense of unsurity. They looked like a pack of wolves, welcoming a new female into their small group. I felt like if I didn't behave they'd pounce.
Only when Eric introduced me did they relax.
"Boys, this is our new producer, Lilly Kinks of Seattle."
I smiled and waved to them all.
One of them stood up and walked to shake my hand.
He had perfect cheek bones, an adorable smile and curly hair that he pushed to the side of his face.
"Hi, my name's Eddie, and I sing."
I went to shake his hand, but instead he pulled me into a hug. Friendly was he?
I hugged him back, noting how wonderful he smelled. It reminded me of Anthony and how you could be 15 feet away but smell his sweet perfume.
I shook the rest of the band members' hands, which I found were attached to four men named Dave, Stone, Mike and Jeff.
I waved goodbye to them and followed Eric to the recording room. It was set up like my dreams. Loads of equipment, controls, a couch, a small table and somewhere to hang my coat. It was encased by glass with a small wooden door that held up a sign reading, "Music comes from the soul."
I smiled at the small setup, and breathed in the homely scent of it all.
"So, whaddya' think Miss Kinks?"
"I think I love it."
Eric grinned, "Glad. We're actually going to put off recording until tomorrow, so you can head out early if you want."
Early? Oh God, thank you!
"Do you have a phone I could use quick? I have to call home."
He nodded and pointed to a little black land line on the table. I thanked him and called up Anthony to let him know I would be back soon. He seemed happier than ever to hear the news.
I shook Eric's hand after I hung up, "It was nice meeting you Eric."
"I'm looking forward to working with you."
I pushed my way to the front door, waving goodbye to the band once more and nearly propelling myself at light year speed down the steps and out to my car.
The drive back home was almost an hour, but seemed like it lasted centuries.
Finally, I pulled up in front of my complex, and stopped as I listened closely. Music was coming softly out of my apartment window. I laughed to myself, but wasted no time to get upstairs.
As I opened the door, I could smell homemade cooking. Mashed potatoes, pork, corn and gravy? God, I couldn't remember the last time I smelled this.
There was a trail of roses leading out to my small balcony as Dancing In The Dark played in the background. I laughed, since when did Anthony like my baby Bruce?
I followed them outside and saw Anthony leaning up against the balcony fence watching the rain fall down on Seattle.
"Hey there stranger." I said smiling.
He spun around and charged for me. I felt the familiar hold of his arms around me. He kissed my cheek and walked me over to my seat.
As I sat, he pushed the chair in.
I looked around, gazing at the beautiful vines growing all around, with the small lanterns Anthony hung up.
He had a bottle of wine on the table, accompanied by two glasses, and a plate full of exactly what I smelled.
I looked across the table and saw a smiling Anthony Kiedis looking at me lovingly.

I Could Die For You (Editing In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now