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As we walked into the arena, I saw stage crew rushing around, setting up speakers and lights, sweeping, etc. It was a scene of mass madness, like one of a play setup.
Lindy lead the entire group to the backstage area, completely oblivious the chaos around him, which I oddly admired. Knowing him for the little amount of time that I did, I felt like he cared about the boys an awful lot. Just the way he spoke to them, joked with them and took care of them was enough for a woman to notice.
Anthony grabbed my hand and dragged me behind him, as he was getting a sense that I was losing myself in my thoughts. That happened to me a lot.
  Once, when I was older, my family and I went out to an amusement park for a vacation. We were walking through the crowds, when I spotted a man in a funny hat holding dozens of colorful balloons.
  He had every color of the rainbow, twice. They were so vibrant, and beautiful, I ended up staring at them for a good minute or two when I noticed I had lost track of my family. Being only 6 or 7, I didn't really know what to do. I couldn't even remember what it was that I did.
  I remember my mother telling me the story some years later, claiming that they found me standing next to the balloon man, holding his hand patiently.
Apparently, I had wandered over to the man and held his hand, waiting for my mom to find me.
I guess that had gifted me with the sense that everyone is good, if you allow them to be. Which I still believe to this day.
Anthony pulled me close to his side and kissed my forehead. "Don't drift off to far in your head baby."
I smiled softly and pressed my body close to his. We sat down on one of the couches in the back room while Lindy and Eric talked with some advisers and technicians about the show. The show itself didn't begin for a half an hour, and they would just be letting in the fans in 5 minutes.
I saw the members of Smashing Pumpkins in the corner talking among themselves, laughing and what not. I listened to some of their music Anthony had showed me on the ride over and didn't care for them too much.
The singer saw me staring and smiled generously. I waved and grinned back, feeling a little embarrassed that Billy had noticed me looking at him.
Anthony caught me blushing and laughed quietly. I looked at him, and couldn't help but smile.
Looking at him only meant you would be admiring him. There was no alternative. He had one of those faces that was so beautiful, in a masculine way, that you just felt so calmed by it.
His soft brown hair fell gently over his shoulder and on top of his black shirt. Those piercing brown eyes stared back into mine, and his perfect, soft, pink lips were turned up in a grin.
"Lilly, would you like to grab a drink with me?" Flea asked.
I fell out of my trance and looked up to smile at Flea and nod my head yes. I got up from the couch and kiss Anthony quickly before following Flea out of the room.
He lead me to the table out in the hall where there was a small water cooler with cups, beer, soda, chips, fruit and cheese & crackers. I grabbed a beer, as did Flea.
He popped it open and smiled at me, that gap-toothed smile.
"So, how do you feel about the touring?" He asked as we walked along the small hallway together.
"I'm excited. Just nervous about returning home. I quit both of my jobs to be here, so when I go back, you know.. there's not much I can do."
Flea nodded his head, and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.
"Well, the guys and I all really like you, and we won't let nothing bad happen to you."
I kissed his cheek, "Thank you so much, Flea."
He shook his head, "No, no. Thank you."
I smiled, and felt my heart fill with warmth. As we walked back into the room, Anthony had his shirt off, his hair in a pony tail, and that black vest with the Indian head on it.
He saw me walk in, and bolted for my stance. His arms wrapped around me and his nuzzled his head in my neck planting kisses everywhere as I giggled.
"Lilly Kinks, never leave me again. Or I'll have to track you down." I laughed and kissed Anthony, "Leave someone as magnificent as you? Surely I could not."
He laughed and smiled at me for a few seconds. His eyes looked me up and down as he bit down on his bottom lip. I felt awkward under his glance, panicking that I looked horrible or something.
"You truly are a vision." He said quietly.
I blushed, "Save your humor for the show."
He hugged me tightly, "I would never joke about something like that, Lilly."
I felt myself melt under his hold. Anthony kissed my cheek and smiled.
Mother fucking shit.

I Could Die For You (Editing In Progress)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon