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Tuesday Night:

Business slowed down around 6:00. Customers would come in periodically, but for the most part it was just Kaity and me. 6:30 came and we were just finishing off the sandwiches Mike made us. Kaity and I were discussing possibly closing up early, when a man walked into the diner. He was dressed in a suit, a briefcase in hand and a smug, serious look on his face. He meant business, and I knew all too well what that business was.

"Miss Kinks." His voice slid out of his mouth like a freshly poured cup of coffee, strong and warm. He walked up to the counter and settled his briefcase on the granite.

"You are well aware, I presume, that in 40 days, if you do not pay your bills, there will be serious trouble."

Kaity gave me a weary look and disappeared into the kitchen. Wow, thanks.

I nodded, "I'm struggling to get the money.."

His face softened. "'I understand Miss Kinks, and if I were you in your situation, I would be just as upset as you probably are." He sat down at the counter and smoothed his short black hair. He was maybe in his 30s, but definitely had the world at his finger tips. "What exactly did you go to college for?"

I pursed my lips, "Sound engineering."

He nodded, "It's not easy to find somewhere to work, huh?"

I shook my head, feeling the familiar heart break in my chest.

He cleared his throat, "Listen, I can get an extra 20 days in for you, but you HAVE to get another job, okay sweetheart?"

My jaw dropped, "I will, I will! Thank you so much!"

Let's just say, without the extra 20 days that guy had scored me, I would've been in major trouble. He left and I called out Kaity. Her head peeked out of the kitchen, scanning the diner before bolting over to me.

"What was all that about?!" She demanded.

"Bill collectors know where I work apparently."

She laughed, "Is everything okay?"

I nodded my head and thoughts scattered into my mind. "Yeah, do you mind if I leave? I have to check something out."

Kaity smiled, "Yeah! No problem. Good night Lilly!" I kissed her cheek, whipped off my apron and forced my body into my jacket. I ran out the door at light year speed, easily cutting three blocks to the bar down the street. The sign in the door was still there: Help Wanted. I yanked the door open and stumbled inside, searching for breaths. I crouched over and waited a few seconds to stop panting. I walked up to the counter and slammed my hand down on the bell. An older man walked up, with a huge beer belly and a beard like Santa's.

"Hi. Application?"

He nodded and pulled a sheet out from under the counter and handed me a pen.

I scribbled down all of my information on it and handed it to him. He skimmed it over and smiled. "You're hired."

I laughed out of relief and pushed some hair behind my ear.

"You start work Saturday. I can have you work Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights?"

"Sounds great!" I smiled.

The man held out his hand for me to shake, "My name is Gerry by the way."

I shook it, "Lilly!"

He and I conversed for a few more minutes about the job and what I would be doing. But soon enough I spun around on my heel and headed outside. I saw a pay phone on the corner of the building and figured I'd give Anthony his daily call.

I dug in my pockets and pulled out some change, slipping it into the slot of the machine. I punched his number in and listened nervously as the dial tone hummed in my ear. I have no idea why, but whenever I called Anthony, a sense of nervousness settled in my stomach.

I was always afraid he would answer and say, "Lilly? Oh, you seriously think we're still talking? Listen baby, I've got girls on my arms every minute. You think I'm gonna waste my time on some chick from Washington who can't even pay her bills?! That's awfully cute."

But that was just the years of being mistreated by my boyfriends talking. I adored talking to Anthony.

"Hello?" His voice was so smooth, it slid down my whole body and sent shivers.

"Hey, Anthony?"

"Well, look who it is! My little cupcake Lilly Kinks."

Jesus Anthony, pet names? Are you trying to kill me?

"Yes sir!"

"How are you doing angel?"

"I'm doing okay. I just had to take up a second job to pay the bills."

Anthony sounded quiet on the other line, "I can send you some money, Lilly."

I sighed, "I can't ask you for that."

I heard him laugh, "I want to do it though. I have a surprise for you tomorrow. You better ber home at 12, or I'll hunt you down."

"Why? What surprise? Anthonyyyy!"

"You'll see." Was all he said, before I heard him hang up.

I Could Die For You (Editing In Progress)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora