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  Anthony woke me up the next morning at 7:30.
I felt light kisses on my collar bone, and husky humming. I groaned and rolled over, messing my hair up in the sheets. "Come on Lilly Bug, you have to get up. You have to record again today." Suddenly it hit me.
I was in Anthony's bed, and I had to get up. I was also in my underwear. I sat up and yawned. Anthony smiled at me, his hair a perfect style. "You have to shower?" I nodded and pulled back the sheets. I managed to stand up and stretch out my limbs.
"Here, I'll get you set up." I watched as Anthony walked over to a closet in the hall and pulled out a towel and a fresh bar of soap from a carton. He handed them both to me, and then led me to the bathroom. He turned on the water, and then kissed my cheek.
"I'll make you a bagel, Kinks."
"I-I got it..." I said. Anthony just smiled, "Relax babe, I got this."
I smiled to myself as he left the bathroom, shutting the door on his way out. I couldn't believe that Anthony Kiedis and I were kissing and cuddling and flirting... and fucking communicating with each other.
A few months ago I was just trying to score cocaine without getting caught, and now I could get all the cocaine I wanted. Okay, maybe not, but still.
I showered, wrapped a towel around myself and panicked when I realized that I had no fresh clothing. I heard a knock on the door, figuring it was Anthony.
Sure enough, as I slowly creaked it open, Anthony was standing there with a pile of clothing and a smirk on his face.
"You know, I could help you get dressed."
I sighed, "Go away shit head."
He frowned, and then smiled again. "It's okay. Always much more fun undressing."
I laughed quietly and then shut the door.
I examined the clothing Anthony had given me: a pair of his sweatpants and a white t-shirt.
I slipped them on over my bra and underwear, and dried my hair slightly with the towel.
Once I was finished, I could hear Anthony in the kitchen. I smelled smoke, too.
When I neared the corner, he was cursing and throwing out burnt bagels. He felt me standing there, and turned around with a frustrated expression on his face.
"I fucked it up."
I laughed and walked over to kiss him good bye.
"It's okay, we'll just have to have dinner together." I wrapped my arms around Anthony and smiled at him, as his brown eyes searched mine.
An amused smile spread across his lips, "Oh? Who's cooking?"
I kissed his bare chest and bit my lip shyly, "I am."
"Goodness, will this be a treat or what?"
I laughed quietly as I rested my head against him.
"What comes after dinner?" Anthony said sliding his hands down my back.
"Bed time."
I pulled away from Anthony to see him chuckling to himself. "Bed time, yes. Sleep, not quite."
I pushed some hair behind my ear and smiled. "Good bye Anthony. I'll see you at 5." I blew him a kiss, and headed out the door.  

I Could Die For You (Editing In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now