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Anthony brought a pot of hot tea over to the table and sat down across from me.
"So.." He began as he poured himself a cup.
"So.." I repeated with a smirk.
He looked into my hazel eyes and smiled.
"So, about the interview today.."
"What about it?" My heart beat rapidly in anticipation.
"The whole thing about future plans..." He paused and wet his lips with his tongue, "What do you think about our future?"
"Ours? As in what?"
"As in ahead, Lilly." He laughed, "Marriage.....family."
"Well, I think the biggest thing we have to focus on is now. I mean, I've only been with you for like six days and we've already fucked more than 30, plus I have a job and a house in Seattle."
"So you don't want to get married?" His face turned hard.
"No, no.. I'm saying that before we think about marriage and children we need to think about our living condition now!"
"Oh. Um, will you move in with me?"
I laughed. "Yeah, why not."
Anthony smiled, "And then tomorrow we can plan the wedding."
I giggled and took a sip of my tea. A second or two later the phone rang.
"I'll get it!" I said standing up and nearly sprinting into the family room, where the phone was.
"Hello?" A throaty, and broken voice said as I picked it up.
"Good afternoon, you've got Lilly."
"Lilly...Lilly.." The man seemed to be repeating my name, like he was tasting it and devouring memories.
"Who is this?" I lowered my voice down so Anthony couldn't hear.
"It's.. It's John, Lill."
"John..? Frusciante?"
He hardly laughed, "Yeah, John Frusciante."
I let out a heart broken sigh. "John."
"How are you?" He asked, his voice was shaking and quivering.
"I'm alright. I think more importantly, how are you?"
"I don't want to talk about me. I want to talk about you. I miss you."
"I miss you as well. Would you like to meet for lunch or something, you know, and catch up? Now that I'm back with Anthony and in California, it might be easier." I tried to force a laugh in there, for the sadness lurking in our conversation was sure to make me cry.
"Uh.. yeah, okay. How about.. tomorrow at one-thirty at the place on Main, with the little bowl of chicken noodle soup."
I smiled, even though John couldn't see it. "Sounds good, bye John."
He didn't answer me for a few seconds, and I could hear him sniffling. When he finally answered, it shook me in the oddest way. "Be good, Lilly."
Anthony forced me out of the taxi and into the brick building where he claimed they'd be recording a song today. I was pretty excited, but not totally thrilled that I would have to be separated from Anthony for most of the day.  

I Could Die For You (Editing In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now