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I returned home around 9, after talking for like two hours with Kaity. I was sleepy, and couldn't wait to get into my bed. As soon as I entered my apartment, I started ripping off my clothes. I planned on going to bed in just my bra and underwear, because I was too fucking lazy to dress in pajamas. As I ended up at the end of my bed, my eyes fell lovingly against the fluffy pillows and blankets set up. "At last, we are reunited." I walked over to the side and pulled back the sheets. I pulled up my black underwear and jumped into the comfort of my bed. I let out a sigh as I wiggled around until I found the perfect position.


I awoke the next morning to pounding on my door.

"Oh, for fuck's sake! One day, one fucking day, I just want to sleep in!"

I took an angry look at the clock on my nightstand that read 7:30. I ripped the sheets off of me and stomped all my way to the front door. It wasn't until I opened it, did I realize I was half naked. Before me stood Kaity.

"Nice tits." She said looking me up and down.

I sighed, "What do you want?" "

"We're spending the day together, remember? I came over to make you breakfast."

Shit, that's right. Last night Kaity said that we were going to be spending all of today together because she felt so bad about what happened to me the other night.

"Kaity, you do realize, by the time I get up it's lunch time." I stepped aside so she could come in, and then shut the door.

"Yes, I know you pretty well Lilly. Go get dressed or whatever and I'll start making breakfast." I watched as she headed into my kitchen with her bags full of food.

I grunted and then forced myself into my bedroom to look for clothing. I pulled out a pair of ripped black jeans, and my Jimi Hendrix shirt that my dad bought me one year for Christmas. I grabbed a pair of fluffy blue socks and headed into the bathroom.
Not long after, I was out of the shower and dressed. I could smell Kaity's cooking, and in response my stomach growled.

"It's done!!" Kaity shouted. Thank fucking God.

I jogged into the kitchen to see Kaity had the door opened to my small balcony outside. It was as big as a walk in closet, with vines growing up and down the black iron fencing. I had lanterns hanging from the fire escape hanging around it, and a seating-for-two table.

"Why are we eating out here?" I asked walking outside.

She shifted her weight to her left hip, "Have you not seen what a beautiful day it is outside? We don't get a lot of these in Washington, enjoy it." I groaned, but eventually took my seat.

Kaity had made chocolate chip waffles, my favorite, along with cinnamon toaster strudels with some cut up melon. "Fancy!" I said picking up my knife and fork.

"Yeah, well I know you have a hard time cooking like this for yourself." I laughed quietly to myself as I put a forkful of waffle into my mouth. I hate to admit it, but it was beyond delicious.

After breakfast Kaity dragged me out to the music store down the block from me. I visited it almost twice a week, seeing if they had any new records, or new guitars I wanted to pick up. Once, I even scored a pretty great drum set for only 97 bucks. As I walked inside the owner, Jim, waved good morning to me. I smiled back at him and followed Kaity to the back out the store where the instruments were.

"What are we doing here?" I asked.

Kaity spun around on her heel and smiled. "I saw how your Gibson is doing, you need a new guitar, and I'm buying it for you."

My mouth gaped open at this point. "No you're not."

She nodded and with her eyes still locked on me, called for Jim. Seconds later he showed up next to me.

"What can I help you with?"

Kaity smiled and pointed to a Sunburst Fender 60's Stratocaster on the wall. When my eyes found it, I fell in love. It was underneath golden lighting and was one of the most beautiful guitars I'd ever seen. Too bad it was way out of my price range.

"Ah, the Strato. Will you be needing a case and a strap?"

Kaity shook her head as we both watched Jim take it off the rack. He walked up to the counter, but I stayed behind and glared at Kaity.

"You are NOT buying me this guitar."

She laughed, "Shut the fuck up, I've been saving up for this for a while."

I sighed, realizing that I wasn't going to get this bitch to give in. I followed her up to the counter where Jim was waiting. She paid, and soon enough I was holding this gorgeous babe in my hands.

I walked out and immediately sat Indian style on the pavement and played. Kaity stood in front of me smiling at my complete concentration. Hey, if you're going to get me a guitar, I'm going to play it.

I Could Die For You (Editing In Progress)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant