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I sat at the counter in the kitchen of Anthony's home, waiting for his return from lunch. Recently, or to be more precise, since we got home vacation, he's been acting so strange. He'd avoid eye contact with me, speak very little in my company, and if he spoke at all, it was in hushed tones. I tried to be patient with him, but he was slowly making my heart shrivel with worry.

Luckily, Anthony returned home precisely when he said he would- 3:30 on the dot. I heard the front door open, and excitedly, I spun around on the bar stool and greeted him with a smile. This time, he made eye contact, AND smiled back, but he cheeks flushed with shyness. I tried to hide the fact that I was fretting, and thinking the worst. Maybe Anthony had decided our relationship had run its course and he wanted someone new.

He approached me quite slowly, but as soon as I felt his touch, I weakened into soft goo. Anthony's fingers slipped through my short, brown hair and then they grazed over my cheek. His eyes were aglow, but not in a fiery brown they were when he was angry; now they were an earthy, sentimental brown that made my body feel strangely warm and relaxed.

Anthony leaned down and kissed me gently on the cheek, but I couldn't stand to be gentle this time. I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him down to my height. My lips tangled with his possessively until I had my fill. I pulled away and played with his hair more, once I noticed he had become his self again. I had to ask.. there was no way I couldn't.

"Is everything.. okay?" My tone was light, fearful that I might tread on private property so to speak.

He shook his head. "Just being off drugs, it uh, it takes a while to get back into my old groove."

Anthony kissed me again, without letting me conclude our talk, but my body didn't object. As he kissed me, and I kissed him, a bubbly feeling grew inside me.

I wanted Anthony to bring me to bed, not because I was feeling lustful, for an entirely different reason, But I couldn't describe it.

(Anthony's POV)

Lilly demanded in a hushed, loving tone that she wanted to be in bed, so I obeyed her. She was my queen, and I wouldn't dare deny her her desires. I carried her up the stairs and plopped her down on the bed, where we both engaged in impatient four-play, undressing and small, breathless moans.

Finally, Lilly and I were entangled together, and it was a different intimate all together. Everything seemed to be warm and slow, bright and breezy... Euphoria that I had never felt before. In fact, I had become so involved in her spirit, I forced myself to re-enter the reality and confirm that I wasn't tripping on acid.

I could tell Lilly was having similar experience, because we had barely even started when she started releasing mindless calls and screams for me, like she was losing her mind in the most pleasurable and beautiful way.

My arms shook beneath me, struggling to support my body because my brain couldn't function enough to send messages between there and my penis. Lilly had complete control of me, and turned me over onto my back. She rode me like an equestrian to her horse, only with an even more delectable grace and composure. Lilly had surprised me multiple times in the bedroom, bringing my mind to new limits, but today... today was a whole new level.

She changed into a colorful orb of light and beautiful sound, absorbing into me, surrounding me in the small, nondescript bedroom of mine. I tried to keep my grip on her hips as we both thrusted, but it was hard for me to find her. I watched her soul float around me, completely blinding out all of her features.

I wondered if she saw me the same way, although I had the best feeling she did, as she called my name peacefully, knowing I was there, but not in a normal form. When she brought me to my peak, I swore I felt every piece of her essence and being around me. Oh, and the noise she made! The beautiful orchestra her mouth conducted with the beams of pleasure I brought to her, and her to me. For the first time, we both released at the same time, bonding our minds and our souls together in a way that was hard for even I to understand.

She collapsed beside me, her eyes closed and her chest finally reaching its normal pace of breathing. I looked over at her and smiled. We had made love. It wasn't sex, rough or passionate. It was love in it's finest form.

I shut my eyes and listened to glorious pounding my heart was making. It was excitement and astonishment. Everything in this instant felt real, and I know if there was ever a time to ask, I should ask now.

I reached for Lilly's hand and brought it to my lips, where I kissed it like she was a beautiful princess, because she was.

"My flower, I have a question."

She rolled her body over and shined her hazel orbs on me. Their color and power washed me over with the sense of being the luckiest man in the world- just because I was looking into them. She hummed a, "Yes?" and studied my lips intently like she wondered if she should kiss them again.

"Will you marry me?"

Her eyes closed as soon as me left my mouth and I heard a sob escape her delicate body. She pulled her body into a small circle and cried softly for a few minutes. I was too puzzled to touch her body at first, but when I did she attached herself to me like a leach.

"Of course I will marry you. How could I want anything else than to be with you? I love you with every star of my being."

I Could Die For You (Editing In Progress)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora