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 Anthony and I continued walking along the street together, and it was all I could do to try and not cry in front of him. I looked around for John, but saw no one, not even a shadow, that resembled his being. The pain in my heart made me question whether or not that even happened.

We stayed out until late afternoon, but then returned home because apparently Anthony claimed we had dinner tonight with his friends. He wouldn't tell me who, but I was growing very suspicious.

I decided to change into a pair of black leggings, some construction boots and an old gray sweatshirt and put some mascara on. Anthony came out of the bathroom a second later in the same thing he was wearing earlier. He gave me a once over and smiled.

"Even in a sweatshirt you look delicious." His voice was rusty and full of want.

I smiled and blushed a bit.

Anthony strode over and wrapped his right arm around my side and used the fingers of his left to move the neck of my sweatshirt to expose skin. He pressed his lips down softly, nibbling on the exposure. My body fell into him and I found myself grabbing a fistful of his shirt.

He kissed up to my neck, and then pulled his lips away to speak. His gentle voice send shivers up my spine.

"I wish you would've worn a skirt though."

I pulled away and gave him a questioning look. "Why?"

He smirked, and then looked straight into my eyes. His stare lasted a moment or two, but he turned around and began walking out.

"So I can touch you under the table."

I knew he meant it, too. Horny bastard.


Anthony drove us to the restaurant we were meeting his "friends" at and joyfully opened my door for me when we pulled to a stop. Once I had climbed out of the car, he shut the door and led me inside. My stomach tossed and turned from nervousness, especially since I didn't know who I was meeting.

As soon as I saw the familiar dirty blonde hair, however, I felt nothing but joy. Flea jumped up from his seat and smiled.

"Hey kid!" He said cheerfully.

I ran over and squished him in a hug.

Flea was full of warmth, like a father should be, and he always smelled like a candle; don't know why, but he did. He released me and let Chad hug me, who was also warm, and smelled like nothing but cologne.

When Chad let me go, little miss Clara herself walked from behind Anthony and toddled over to me in her little kindergarten clothing. Believe it or not, this was the first time I was meeting this little angel.

Flea bent down beside her and protectively placed his hands on her belly.

"Clara, this is Anthony's...girlfriend, Lilly." He said smiling.

Clara's little face brightened up with a smile. I bent down to her eye level and she stuck her hand out and shook mine gently.

"Are you and Uncle Tony gonna get married?" She stuttered.

I smiled and let out a giggle. I tried to hide the fact that my eyes sparkled at the thought of being Mrs. Anthony Kiedis. "Only if you're the flower girl."

Clara giggled. "I'll be the flower girl! I will, I will! I won't let you down! Tony marry her so I can be a flower girl!!" Her little body jumped up and down with excitement and it only made Flea laugh. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Chad elbow a blushing Anthony with a smirk on his face.

I stood back up and only then did I notice the charming man sitting at the dinner table, staring me down like I was a deer he was about to pounce.

Anthony noticed the awkwardness and stepped in.

"Dave, this is Lilly. Lilly, this our new guitarist, Dave Navarro."  

I Could Die For You (Editing In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now