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Anthony walked off stage, sweaty out of breath and trying his best to smile at me despite the fact that he was searching for his breath. They went hard tonight, and I could tell Anthony was feeling it.

He grabbed a water, chugged down half of it and the strutted over to me. His eyes were peaceful and washed me over with a sense of love. I smiled into a kiss and clung to his bare chest.

He hugged me back and whispered, "We have plans tonight."

I looked up at him, "We do?"

He nodded, a mischievous grin plastered on his face. Boy, was I in for a night with a look like that. Anthony kissed my cheek and then went off to fetch for his shirt and jacket, leaving me standing alone.

I crossed my arms over my chest and rocked back from heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe as I patiently waited for Anthony's return. While doing this, John walked by.

He had a beautiful young girl on his arm who looked my age. She had short blonde hair and beautiful gray eyes. She had a small smile playing and she hung onto John like a lost child. Her laugh was flirtatious and her movements lustful. John grinned and winked at me, before taking off with the girl.

I was happy knowing John wasn't feeling so heartbroken anymore, but somewhat unsettled that he was just hooking up with girls. I pushed these thoughts away however, deep inside I knew John respected women more than most men.

Soon enough, Anthony came back over, a pip in his step that was hard to miss. His grin filled my stomach with butterflies and I felt so happy knowing that he was walking towards me.

"Hey, don't I know you?"

I laughed softly, "I don't think so, but you sure look familiar."

"You certain? I feel like we know each other."

"I'm positive sir."

"Hmm, well maybe we should further discuss this over some.. skating?"

"Skating? Oh, well aren't you romantic for a stranger!"

Anthony chuckled, "Why, romantic you say? Ma'am, I am just friendly!"

"Maybe what I should've said was yes, I would love to accompany you to a date."

"Well, I never said date, but I'm sure as hell glad you think it is." He said beaming.

With my soft giggles echoing down the hall, Anthony linked his arm with mine and walked me outside where he would call a cab. From there, we drove to a nearby skating rink.

As we walked up, I noticed the neon "Open!" sign was not lit up. Then I noticed a sign on the door stating the hours, and sadly, this hour was not one of them.

"Anthony babe, I think they're closed..."

He tugged on the door, and to my surprise it peeked open.

"I know the guy that owns the place."

Ah, it all makes sense now. Anthony had managed to make connections with every possible owner of a romantic location for his own advantage. Man, did he have game.

I followed Anthony inside, and found myself hanging on him as we waded through darkness. Anthony kissed me softly on the head and said, "Be right back, gotta find the switch." I nodded and tried to squeeze my eyes shut, imagining a scene where bunnies skipped across meadows like my mother would tell me to do before I went to bed.

Darkness was never my thing, and at a young age it was even worse. I would have nightmares every single night, and my mother would have to tell me to imagine things that made me happy before sleeping to try and prevent the nightmares. It worked until she passed away, since then I haven't really had a good night's rest.

The lights turned on, and so did the local "Romance Songs of the Time" radio station. The skating rink was now illuminated with light, displaying a huge ice rink, freshly treated.

Anthony walked over, a smile on his lips and two pairs of skates in his hands.

"Put these on baby."

I smiled, and took them from his hands, sitting down and slipping the skates on. Anthony did the same and soon we were holding each other's hand and struggling not to break our ankles as we walked onto the ice.

From there, I nearly died. Anthony let me try to skate by myself at first, but it probably wasn't the best strategy.

At first, I fell after nearly three seconds of standing up. Then, I better situated myself and could skate a total of maybe, 15 feet. And then, eventually, I could skate beside Anthony.

He held my hand, and kept a slow, steady pace next to me as we skated around the rink, laughing and occasionally sharing kisses.

After about a half an hour of this, Anthony pulled me to the center of the rink and pulled me against his chest.

Some sappy song came on over the speakers, and years later I would still not know the name. Anthony held me close against his chest and kissed me on the forehead. He rocked me back and forth a for a few silent moments before I looked up at him, and then planted a soft kiss on his lips.

Anthony pulled away after a few moments of kissing and stared, searching it seemed, in my eyes. A relaxed smile spread on his lips, and his eyes looked a little glossy.

He chuckled and wiped them, trying to rid that he was crying. I held his hands in mine,

"Is everything okay?"

Anthony nodded, and then licked his lips, his brows furrowed.

"It's hard for me to say this Lilly," He swallowed hard, "But I really like you."

I smiled and looked down at my shoes, feeling myself blush a little. "I really like you, too!"

He pressed his forehead against mine, "I even love you."

I looked up, "You what?"

He smiled, "I love you Lilly Kinks. I love you."

My heart felt like it had been hit with a million volts, and all I knew was happiness. I threw myself into Anthony's arms, "I love you too!"

Anthony kissed me more times than I could count, barely giving us time to breathe, but I could care less.

I Could Die For You (Editing In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now