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After the flight, Anthony and I both climbed into a cab and tried to not fall asleep considering it was almost 11 o'clock, but it was hard. The drive back to his mom's house was an hour, and even though we tried as hard as we could to stay up, we both nodded off. Luckily, however, Anthony woke up just as we pulled onto her house's street. He woke me up with a gentle shake and then pointed to a small house with little flowers in the front. I smiled with excitement, although I was rich with nervousness.

Once Anthony paid the cab driver, we climbed out and grabbed our things. I had a few suitcases to carry and managed to walk a little faster than Anthony so I stood awkwardly on the porch for a second or two, waiting for him to join me. When he finally caught up to me, he rang the doorbell and kissed my cheek reassuringly. I could hear shuffling inside and delightful whispers as what I'm sure was Anthony's mom answered the door.

It swung open with such quick fashion I nearly laughed aloud. Standing in the doorway was a beautiful woman, with short brown hair. I couldn't get over how stunning she was, she must've noticed me before Anthony because she flashed me a smile as soon as she opened the door. Peggy rushed across the porch and enveloped me in her arms. She radiated with motherly warmth, something I hadn't felt in years. She smelled like all kinds of divine flowers and I could tell she was wonderful right then.

She pulled away and kissed my cheek.

"I am so sorry to come on so strong, but Anthony has told me so much about you, I feel like I know you! Oh, and I know how nervous it can be to meet your boyfriend's parents so I try to be as sweet and welcoming as I can! My name is Peggy, by the way."

I laughed quietly and smiled back.

"No, no, it's all right. I'm so happy to finally meet you! My name is Lilly, as I'm sure Anthony has already told you."

She hugged me again and then Anthony tapped his foot impatiently and cleared his throat.

"Uh, ma? I believe you have to say hello to me?" He said jokingly.

Peggy laughed and scurried over to where he was and gave him a bone crushing hug. He was taller than her, about an inch taller than he was to me. They hugged for a long time, both of them tearing up slightly. I felt bad for Anthony. It must have been hard for him to be away from her for so long.

She pulled away and then smiled, wiping her eyes of tears.

"Come on in then! You must be exhausted."

Anthony smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up. It made me laugh a little, but I followed Peggy inside her warm, cozy house and down the hall to the guest bedroom. It had a king sized bed and two night tables with small vases of fake sunflowers.

Peggy flicked on the light and motioned towards the bed.

"Go ahead and make yourselves at home. I'll see you all tomorrow morning at breakfast." She slipped out of the door and closed it half way, stopping to say something else before closing it all the way, "Sweet dreams."

Once the door was shut Anthony smiled at me devilishly. He jumped on the bed and spread his legs.

"Take me, Lilly." His tone was high-pitched and girly, although very quiet so his mother couldn't hear.

I only laughed and walked over to my side of the bed, where I stripped down, and slid a rather big shirt over my head. Anthony watched in arousal the whole time.

I climbed in bed and snuggled in the sheets while Anthony undressed to his boxers. Soon he joined me under the sheets after he turned off the light.

He pulled me into his arms and held me tightly. I began to fall asleep when his deep, husky voice fell over me.

"You know, we won't be able to have sex while we're here. I feel odd about it this time around."

I laughed and kissed his bare chest.

"I figured. Just wait 'til we get home though, sweetheart. There will be no stopping me."

I Could Die For You (Editing In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now