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When I returned home with Peggy, Anthony was rolling around in the backyard, enjoying the summer sun with his family. I put my bags away in our bedroom, and then rushed out onto the deck to catch a glimpse of Anthony at play. This could be my only chance to see the goof acting like a dork, and not worried he might embarrass himself in front of me. I peeked around the corner and very quietly tip-toed on the soft dark wood, and crouched behind the barbecue, still watching my Indian prince wrestling in the soft, luscious grass that absorbed the sunset like a sponge absorbs water.

I tried not to laugh when Anthony's younger sister tackled him to the ground and pinned him down, like a real lady should. From there on they kept playing until I heard the window by the kitchen open and Peggy's voice call on them to be more careful. Anthony smiled and looked up laughing at Peggy, who was obviously enjoying the family activity. He stood up, brushed off his clothing and smiled down at his small family, still tossling in the earth. Anthony began walking towards the deck steps, and quicker than I thought I could, I pushed my body even closer to the grill. Unfortunately, Anthony knows my presence without even looking.

I felt his hands wrap around me, and I was suddenly ripped off the ground and swung into the air. Anthony set me back down, only to smile and look deep into my eyes.

"Well, Lilly-billy, looks like we might want to go out for dinner now?" He said quietly, still studying my features, like he did always.

"Sounds like a plan. Let me get changed."

I kissed Anthony, and then dashed back inside the house like a fleeting breeze, not looking back. Once I was inside the bedroom, I shut and locked the door behind my, ripping off my shirt and pants, and slipping into navy blue dress I bought today when I was with Peggy. It had little white suns on it, of course set against the silky black fabric. It cut down against my chest, leaving a nice trail of breast, but not too much. I stuffed some hair behind my ear, and slipped into a pair of white, one-inch heels. As soon as I stood up and smoothed out the silk, I heard a tap on the door, followed by my fiance's voice.

"Lilly, dear, I told mom about dinner and she's already waiting in the car. You ready?"

I didn't know a woman could be ready so quickly, but I told Anthony yes, and then joined him outside the bedroom. We said goodbye to the rest of the family, making sure the eldest was okay with keeping order while we were gone. I felt happy inside knowing that Anthony's family was already beginning to feel like mine. Every member had so fondly grown on me, and I to them, it seemed.

Anthony and I walked hand-in-hand out to the car, where he hopped in the driver's seat, Peggy seated in the back, and myself in the passenger's seat. We drove to a small bistro about a half an hour away, suitable for our conversation ahead, and what we were all wearing. This was probably the only time Anthony did have a shirt on, and I was impressed. Once we arrived, we all walked in together, happily exchanging how cute the place was.

A hostess found us a table immediately, and we ordered some wine while we waited for our food to come out. I nibbled on bread stick beside Anthony, who talked to his mother about going on tour for One Hot Minute coming soon. Just about two minutes after they had concluded that conversation, a waiter strod out from the kitchen, holding our food on a round, silver tray. He set it down, dishing out our meals, and then kindly saying good-bye and walking off.

After we had taken a few bites, Anthony nudged my arm, signaling it was time.

"Mom?" He started.

"Yes, Anthony."

"I have some news I'd like to share with you."

"Oh? Well go on and share." She said, trying to cut her ravioli in half.

Anthony grabbed my hand in his from under the table and cleared his throat.

"Lilly and I are going to get married."

Peggy dropped her fork.

Tears welled up in her eyes, "Oh, are you! How wonderful, congratulations to you both! I'm so happy, so happy! Welcome to the family, sweetheart!"

She hugged us both from across the table and I smiled. Once she pulled away, I pushed my body towards Anthony's, already feeling the happiness that would undoubtedly excelerate once we had officially become newlyweds.

I Could Die For You (Editing In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now