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Anthony's POV
I pulled up in front of the studio and sat in the car for a few minutes before I went in. I was actually quite nervous to get Lilly. I liked her a lot, but I was in fear that I would say something to upset her. Lately, that seems all I have been doing. I cared about her so much, and those months we didn't talk were excruciatingly painful.
I had missed her so much, knowing I couldn't see her hurt me. Hearing her voice over the phone on a daily basis would've been torture. That's why I didn't call. But how could I tell her that? There was no way she felt the same towards me. No way she had feelings for me.
Lilly always seemed so calmed and unaffected by me. She behaved like she had no romantical interest in me what so ever.
The only way I could find out was to ask her, and I was just going to have to do it.
I hopped out of the car and adjusted my jeans and t-shirt. I tightened the hair band and fixed my backwards baseball cap. I could see Lilly through the glass windows twirling in her dress. It was something that made me smile, and I felt as if I would never forget how angelic she looked. Something caught her attention though, and she stopped mid spin. I picked up my pace and waved to her eagerly.
She smiled and pushed the door open, hurrying outside. Her hair was in loose curls around her shoulders, and her eyes were glowing from the light radiating off of the setting sun. Lilly was definitely a sigh for sore eyes. Her petite, yet curvy body, was wrapped in a pink sundress that was tight around her chest, and flowing just at her belly button. She had black ballet flats and a cute grin on her lips.
"Mr. Kiedis." She curtsied.
"Miss Kinks." I bowed.
I listened to her giggle, and practically lost my manhood. "Are you ready for our date tonight?" I asked, linking her arm with mine. She nodded and then smiled, "So now it's a date, huh?"
"Well usually when you go out with someone beautiful, like yourself, you don't just go for sandwiches. So yeah, it's a date." I saw her blush out of the corner of my eye, and the urge to pick her up and kiss her was too much for me to handle.
We drove uptown to a restaurant on the San Francisco bay, one I had heard was a good place for a first date. By the time we arrived, it was night and the city lights were shining out on the water. When the host asked if we wanted to be seated outside, I nearly lost it at such a silly question. We were both guys, we know how the game works, of course I wanted a table outside. Lilly followed closely behind me as the host led us to a table overlooking the bay.
The moonlight shined on Lilly's pale face, and all I could do was stare and admire her. She moved gracefully and plopped down in her seat. I did the same, and folded my napkin on my lap.
The waiter brought us wine and our menus, then left us to decide. It was a few minutes before Lilly set down her menu and rested her head in her hands as she watched me. I looked up to see her blush and look away for a moment, before turning her head back to me. God, was she the cutest.
"This place is pretty snazzy." She said smiling.
"Only the best for you Kinkster." I watched the corners of her mouth turn upwards, revealing that dazzling smirk.
What was happening to me? This girl was turning me into goo.
We ordered our food, and then made small talk until they brought it out. I ordered a salad, and Lilly ordered one too.
I had to say, that food was pretty good. On our way out, Lilly stuffed a bread stick in her purse because she said, "Why waste such delicious bread? I'll just eat in the car."
I turned on the radio in the car randomly and as soon as Lilly listened in closely, she nearly fainted. "I love this song!!" She squealed. I laughed and turned up the volume.
It was until the second verse did I realize what song it was: Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy by Queen.
I smiled as the sound of Lilly's sweet voice echoed along with Freddie's blasting from the stereo.
I have to admit, Lilly was a pretty fantastic singer. Another quality I was finding myself adoring.
We pulled up in front of the studio all too quickly, so I walked Lilly to the door in effort to spend more time with her.
As we stood on the steps she hopped back and forth on her heels as she hummed. When she turned to smile at me, it only took seconds for my stomach to double over. I couldn't resist myself anymore. I grabbed a hold of Lilly's waist and pulled her against my chest. The instant my lips pressed against hers, my body lit up. I felt warm all over and her body collapsed into mine.
Fuck, she was damn good at kissing. My hands tangled themselves in her hair and she passionately crashed her lips with mine. In those moments, I couldn't even tell if my heart was beating or not. I was too involved with how beautiful a moment Lilly was giving me.

I Could Die For You (Editing In Progress)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant