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(Anthony's POV)

I woke up the next morning to Lilly, who was peacefully sleeping naked in the bed with morning light dancing around her angelic body. I smiled, let out a deep breath and rubbed my tired face. The air smelled fresh, and the windows peaked open let in the sounds of birds chirping and the waves crashing against the beach. There couldn't be a man more blessed than me.

Lilly stirred beside me, letting out a small moan, her hand sliding over her breasts and down her stomach where they rested again at her sides.

"I know you're awake, little devil." I smirked.

Her beautiful rose pink lips pulled up in a grin and she spoke without opening her eyes. "If you want anymore homecoming sex, you should let me sleep."

I laughed to myself and slipped my hand under the sheets to grab a hold of her flower and squeeze it tenderly, "You can't black mail me like that.." I could feel myself start to become aroused already.

Lilly shrugged, and opened her hazel eyes that beamed amber with the sunrise shining in them. "Go make breakfast and I'll get up." I raised an eyebrow, but leaned down and kissed her forehead. When I brought my body away, her eyes were closed again, small little eyelashes pressed against pale cheeks.

I got up from bed, and slipped a pair of boxers on so the whole beach wouldn't have to see my cock from the large windows on the opposite wall of the kitchen. Still tired, I stumbled into the kitchen, and peered at the untouched counters and fridge. When I opened it, I learned it was stocked up to the heavens with fresh fruit, probably harvested on the island, and eggs, etc. I decided to make fruit salad, omelets and some tea for breakfast. It sounded good enough to me, anyways.

As soon as the egg hit the pan, and started making sizzling noises, I heard Lilly's little feet pad into the room. I turned my head over my shoulder to look at her quickly, while I stirred the peppers in the egg mixture. She was naked except for the practically see-through white robe she was wearing, that loosely covered her body, exposing both of her breasts almost fully. Her hair was pulled up in a sloppy yet nice bun, her silky strands of brown hair catching the light and igniting into a golden color, much like her eyes did. She yawned and rubbed her eyes, then looking up to smile at me.

"Hey." She said warmly. She. She. She. She.

I smiled, and slowly brought my head back to focus on the pans, where I flipped the eggs to form one giant omelet. I felt hands slide up my back and then around to my chest where they rubbed circles. I looked down to see hers, painted white nails and all, massaging my body lovingly as she hummed.

"Would you make love to me in the kitchen, right here on the counter?" She asked bluntly.

I laughed, and just checked to make sure the egg was cooked on the inside.

"Not when breakfast is ready."

I heard her sigh, but then felt the warmth of a soft kiss on my back.

"All right." She said finally, and I felt her walk over to the table where she sat.

I quickly chopped the last few pieces of pineapple and threw them in the bowl, and carried over our plates, running back for our cups of tea. I sat across from Lilly, and began to dig in. She, of course, laid out her napkin, and then very gracefully put small pieces of the food into her godly mouth.

When she needed a break, she would set down her fork, brush the few strands of hair behind her ear, and prop her head on her hand, with her elbow resting on the tabletop. She'd watch me eat, and sing songs that were stuck in her head, especially Faithfully by Journey, which had been the most popular one recently.

I laughed every time, and tried my best to sing along. She was about to start singing the guitar solo, when I reach for her hand and grabbed it tightly.

"You're my wife."

"Yes sir!" She said saluting me.

I felt Oh Sherrie start playing in my head, and I tried not to laugh at how ridiculous that was.

"We're seriously going to spend the rest of our lives together.."

Her eyes weakened, but she nodded.

"Good." I said.

She smiled, "Good."

I Could Die For You (Editing In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now