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I woke up the next morning, looked at the clock and sighed. It was 7 and I had to get up. I had to get Anthony up too. I rolled over to face him and pecked his nose.
I kissed his nose again.
I kissed him on the lips.
"Wake up you butt face."
He laughed and rubbed his eyes still shut.
"I'm not awake, keep kissing me."
I giggled, "Come on, shower."
His eyes snapped open, "With you?"
I nodded, and slipped out of the bed.
I tried my best to seductively take off my clothing in trails as I walked into the bathroom, and apparently it worked. Anthony was after me like a dog.
He turned the nozzle and ripped his clothing off as fast as he could, eyeing me up and down as he did so.
He pulled me under the shower head and held me close against his chest.
I melted into him, completely at ease.
Anthony walked nervously into the small dinner, taking small steps. I held his hand, which was sweating nervously. His eyes bounced around the room, looking for anyone that could resemble me.
I tugged him close and whispered, "There", while pointing to a man in the back corner by the window sipping a glass of water.
I felt Anthony's body relax, "He looks like a librarian."
That made me chuckle. "Well, what were you expecting?"
"Someone who goes biking and has tattoos."
"He's both of those. He used to go on bicycle rides with my mother and has a quote by Robert Plant on his back."
I nodded and pulled him along, trying to straighten the grey dress I was wearing.
My dad saw us, his face lighting up. He stood up from the booth and eyed me up and down.
When he met my eyes, his eyes were watering. "Lilly..."
Before I could really think about it, I was hugging my dad and feeling myself starting to cry.
"Lilly, you're beautiful. Anna would be so proud..."
Anna was my mom.
Tommy is my dad.
"Thank you daddy." I said pulling away and wiping my eyes.
He wiped his and then looked at Anthony. I cleared my throat, "Daddy, this is my boyfriend, Anthony. Anthony, this is my dad, Tommy."
My dad smiled warmly and held his hand out for Anthony to shake. The world seemed a little more peaceful when Anthony received it with a huge smile.

I Could Die For You (Editing In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now