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"Lilly! WAKE UP!!"

I opened my eyes, and fell out of the bed wrapped in the silky white sheets.

"What?!" I asked trying to get back on my feet.

Anthony was running around the room looking for his shoe.

"We have an interview today!!"

My heart seemed to freeze. "A... A what?"

"Come on Lilly, we have to go! Get dressed!!"

An interview? How come the little shit didn't tell me last night?! I stumbled over to my collection of clothing and pulled out a beige sweater and some tight blue jeans, without much thinking I forced my feet into a pair of black sneakers and stood back up.

"They'll do your hair and makeup if you want." Anthony said quickly fastening his shirt buttons. He fluffed his hair and then opened the door, trying to get downstairs as quickly as possible. I struggled to keep up.

"Why would they do that if it's just an interview?"

"It's live, Lilly!!"



I was rushed from the hair and makeup chair to the set of MTV's stupid show. Anthony was already there waiting patiently. I sat down beside him, and before I could even make myself comfortable, he held my hand, and wrapped his other arm around my side. The host walked in a minute later.

She was a woman in her early 30s maybe, with short black hair. She was cute, and looked like she had lots of fun no matter what she did.

The camera panned over to us and she forced a beautiful smile.

"We're back with the Red Hot Chili Peppers's own Anthony Kiedis, and his lovely girlfriend, Lilly."

She turned to face us, and gave me a reassuring smile. I was shaking so much, and Anthony tried his best to calm me.

"So, Anthony, the public has been noticing you and Lilly are back together, is that right?"

He smiled, "Yeah, it is."

"How'd did this happen? Rumors were circulating that you cheated on her, broke her heart and she escaped back to Seattle."

I felt Anthony stiffen beside me, and his body turned colder.

"We did spend time apart."


"I.. I let my temptations get the better of me."

"Are you saying you were with another woman?"

"I'm saying I did something I shouldn't have."

"Ah. Lilly, are you happy to be back with Anthony?"

I smiled weakly, "Of course not. He's completely unattractive and he smells like turkey."

She laughed, "Like turkey, hmm?"

I nodded, and felt Anthony's body vibrate with laughter beside me.

"So if you are indeed back together, what are the future plans?"

"Future plans?" I asked, "Boy, I'm not even sure what we're doing tomorrow."

She chuckled again. "Well... are you living together? Marriage? Children?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. We've haven't thought that far into the future." Anthony stumbled nervously.

The interviewer smiled and shook her finger. "I think you should, mister! You can't make a beautiful girl like this, wait! A man could snatch her up any minute!"

My heart skipped and stumbled over beats. Maybe that man was Dave.

Anthony laughed. "I don't think any man would dare challenge me. They all know I'm in love with Lilly."

Maybe Dave would.

The young lady smiled, "With Lilly back, are you guys planning on going back to the studio too, with Dave as your new guitarist?"

Anthony pursed his lips, and then wet them with his tongue. "Well, we have been talking about working on a new album, and some riffs and lyrics are being thrown around at dinner, but we haven't made any appointments yet. As you know, we're still recovering from the loss of our previous love, John."

She nodded, "Have you heard from John lately?"

"No. Only heard of him."

"What have you heard, if I may ask?"

"I'd rather not discuss that."  

I Could Die For You (Editing In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now