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Eric finally picked up the phone.
"Hey! This is Lilly Kinks calling about the recording position."
"Ah yes, Miss Kinks! So glad to here that you're calling."
Eric filled me in on everything that would be going along with the job, and announced I would be getting paid a thousand dollars. Less than the last job, but money is money, and I wasn't about to start complaining.
When Eric had finished talking, I decided there was no way I could pass it up. I accepted the offer, and listened carefully as Eric said we'd start recording next week.
I was excited to get back in the studio, but nervous as well. I was still new to the stuff, and the idea of producing another record, was all happening too fast. Not that I was ungrateful or anything.
I had dinner late that night, showered and fell asleep on the couch.
The sound of my phone ringing woke me up. I fell off the couch and crawled half asleep to the phone. I picked it up and pressed it against my ear.
"Lilly? Oh my god."
"Yes, yep, yeah. Who's this?"
"Anthony! Can you uh- give me a ride?"
Anthony? What the fuck?
" You're in California, how am I supposed to be giving you a ride?"
"Listen, I'll explain that later, just come pick me up at the airport."
I hung up the phone and stumbled into my closet. I pulled a pair of leggings on, and a big sweater over my head. Along with that, I slipped on some combat boots and threw my hair up in a bun.
I was still really confused about Anthony's call, but I did what he said and drove to the airport. So you can see how I was pleasantly surprised to see him standing outside of the airport with bags, a Hooters shirt, shorts and his hair underneath a baseball cap turned backwards.

I Could Die For You (Editing In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now