Chapter 1-1

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It's how it all began, she came running down the stairs in her new dress with an large smile, squealing with excitement "Henry! Nora! How does this look?" A soft voice asks with nervousness "wow! It looks great" Nora replies and kisses her forehead "I've never seen anyone more excited for kindergarten" Nora says quietly, almost laughing, to Henry (Details: Young Caitlin was adopted into the Allen family after the disappearance of her parents at age 3) meanwhile Barry stands there with a simple, almost forced smile because eh.. it's school.
14 years later...
"What to wear... What to wear..." Caitlin mumbles to herself as it's the first day of her senior year, "Cait, hurry up were going to be late!" Barry hollars up the stairs hoping she'll hear him, "Coming" she replies as she scurries and gets all of her things together.
Walking down the stairs, Barry just about to hollar again, catches him off guard and leaves him speechless "what?" She asks nervously "is this bad? I can change.." she says biting her lip as she watches his expression "wow... No it looks great" he says but this time feeling a little different than all the times he had said it before "you look great" he repeats himself, blushing, as he takes her hand and leads her out to the car "Goodbye Mom, Goodbye Nora! Goodbye Dad, Goodbye Henry!" They echo each other as they leave.

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