Chapter 1-40

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Moments, separated from time, for what felt like not long enough, Barry slowly pulls back from her with a cunning smile.
Her eyes still closed like she didn't want it to end, Happy tears form in her eyes almost like diamonds and Barry can't help but stare "everything okay?" He asks while taking his hands and tucking an extra piece of her hair behind her ear "yeah, everything is perfect" she says with a beaming smile.
At home, they rush inside as the wind starts to pick up "we may not be able to go to the movies after all" he says but isn't upset because he knows how to fix it "but you know what, who's to stop us from doing that here" he says as she takes off her jacket, both with rosy red cheeks from the biting wind, "We are home alone after all" she says as she reads Nora and Henry's little note on the coffee table.
Barry takes her jacket like a gentleman but she doesn't hesitate to lace her fingers within his and take him upstairs, Caitlin gives him puppy dog eyes and he can't help but smile "Why so smiley?" She asks being a little silly "you're adorable, you know that?" He says and lifts her into a hug "we should probably get changed, were so snowy" she laughs and picks enough snow off of herself to throw at him and he acts soo offended but just ends up laughing. He changes into sweat pants and forgets the shirt, she throws on roots pants and a flannel...

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