Chapter 2-7

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Breathing it off Caitlin thinks it's just morning sickness...

Through clashing Bo staffs her statement makes them pause, "you want to what?" Oliver asks surprised as he wipes the sweat off his forehead "I know how and I want to bring Barry back" Sara forcefully states because she knows Oliver will say no. "Of course not" he says as usual "well that's too bad" she sasses him "I've already called him, We have 3 Hours to go and bring Barry here" she practically commands the team and they listen...
"Sara, you can't do this" he grabs her arm as she turns around "you loved & lost Thea, we brought her back" she makes her point "you loved & lost me, you guys brought me back" she glares at him "and we all love Barry. So what's stopping us from bringing him back?" Oliver looks at her sincerely "but all at the expense of another" he states "you think I don't know that?" She hints "No. No way.. I'm not letting you die, just for him" he pleads "that's not your choice" she puts her foot down, then joins the rest of the team on their mission.

Meanwhile back at the Allen household...

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