Chapter 1-42

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He leans over her from behind and wraps his arms around her chest like a backwards hug "which movie would you like to watch?" He asks softly with his cheek almost pressed up against hers "do you really have to ask?" She says as his cheeks slowly turn pink from blushing, he grabs the remote infront of her with his one arm still wrapped around her. Turning on her favourite Disney movie he slowly sits back and brings his hands softly over her arms to her shoulders, running his fingers through her hair he noticabley gives her goosebumps so she leans her head back and looks up at him "why don't you join me on the couch?" He whispers as his hands travel around to her neck and cheeks.  She stands up slowly and he moves his legs to the side so she's compelled to sit on the side of the couch with the arm rest, she pauses the show because she has something else in mind.  Her hand comes around his face and her lips to his, she kisses him passionately; He turns into her making her lie down on the couch, she has her hands on his chest, he's propped up on his elbows around her head so his full body weight isnt on her. He reaches to start unbuttoning her shirt when...

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