Chapter 1-48

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It's mid-day and the sun is spreading across the snow, sparkling like little diamonds.  Caitlin races Barry to the door, getting their winter clothes on, then into the freshly falling snow "I bet you I can make a better snowman than you" Barry teases as he slips on his hat and gloves "challenge accepted!" She sasses back.  She knows what he has in mind so building a small, snowball sized snowman, she assembles a snow fort to protect her from the impeding snowball fight "Ahead of the game I see" Barry says as he looks over at her vigorously packing the walls tight "I know your intentions" she glares at him but in a happy way "do you now?" He sasses and walks over with a huge snowball "no no no! Dont!" She begs as she thinks he's going to crush her fort. He sets it down beside her snowman "guess what the most cheesy man in the world has done?" He asks as she sets out a sigh of relief "given me a snowball?" She asks rationally, making him laugh "no silly" he adds another snowball to it and makes it larger "guess again" he looks ot her, her eyes squinting from the sun's reflection, snow frozen on the tips of her hair "I don't get it" she says quieter "look Cait! It's a family!" He points out cutely. He tosses a snowball at him "what was that for?" He asks as he dramatically falls to the ground "for making me feel stupid" she says and offers him a hand but he pulls her down to his level "stupid in love" he sits up and kisses her passionately then they go inside...

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