Chapter 2-1

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~ She was dead tired, she rested her head on her hands ever so slightly and fell asleep at her desk...
She woke up abruptly when she sensed Barry, opening her eyes when she recognized Barry's hand moving across her back "sleep too much here and what ever will we do at home?" As usual he lays a sarcastic comment down on the table, making her smile "Oh... Things.." her voice is soft, words unforgettable. "This work is going to kill me" she spreads out the papers beneath her and looks around the room for a clock but can't find one, no sooner trying to rest her head back down, her eyes barely open, but he keeps her awake "Time to go home Sweetheart" he picks up her bag and rests her jacket around her, Caitlin shakes her head reluctantly as a joke. "Don't make me tickle you" Barry teases her "you wouldn't dare" she remarks "Try me" he moves his hands closer to her sides "Okay, okay! I'm up" she makes him laugh as they leave star labs~
Nora sits on her bed. Wakes her up because this is all just, happening. Asleep in her bed, Tears coming from her eyes, all alone. It was all just a dream?

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