Chapter 2-18

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Shivering; he let's his fingers fall from hers, taking his jacket off and wrapping it around her, she returns the gesture with a soft kiss on his cheek and their hands lacing back together, then eventually arriving home.
Not thinking through any plan Caitlin keeps her eyes on their hands swinging back and forth, not noticing Henry sitting out on the porch reading his newspaper; Barry stops at the end of the laneway, gripping her hand a little tighter she looks up at him and stops "I feel the need to apologize" he looks deeply into her eyes "Why?" She takes his other hand in his "for causing you so much pain, for leaving you.... I can't imagine how much pain you went through" she gets on her toes and lips against his, she kisses him, not for a short or long amount of time but enough time to make an impact, sparks - Henry looks up from his paper, unable to make out clearly who these two kids are in the distance, they walk closer.
Breaking sight of Henry, Barry doesn't hesitate.  Smiling at her she lets go of his hand "I'll be inside" he listens and approaches Henry at a moderate pace, nervous. "Dad?" He looks up and they meet eye to eye "Son?" He starts tearing up in disbelief "Yeah" Barry agrees softly as Henry stands up and hugs him "You're ... How... I dont..." He cant find words "Its complicated, but I'm here... to stay" Barry is almost in tears as he takes in the happiness in his Dad's smile.

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