Chapter 1-60

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"Yes" she shakes her head with happy tears "100x Yes" he places the ring on her finger, stands up and cups his hands around her cheeks and kisses her "I love you Caitlin" they move into each other's arms and the audience applauds...

It's later after the Ceremony, dancing but not exactly 'Prom'... That's in two weeks.  Changed into causal clothes, Caitlin in her yellow sundress, Barry takes her step by step through the dances "since when can you dance?" She watches his feet but still manages to step on them "I'm double majoring" he pulls her in close as the music becomes slower "Law and..?" She looks at him impressed "Theater" she cherishes his envious, childlike smile...

Laurel, Oliver, Sara & Thea come up in a group after a while, "Hey Barry!" they interrupt him and Cait a little, he spins her playfully out of his arms so they can hear what they have to say "Sorry to interrupt, but a bunch of us are going to the Bar up town to celebrate..." Barry is underage so he can't drink and wont drink "We wanted to know if you wanted to be our driver?" They propose "No charge" Caitlin looks at Barry and Knods in agreement because she's dead tired anyways "Be safe, I love you" she hugs him and kisses his cheek softly...

They're on their way home. Barry notifies Cait that he has to put his phone down "I'll be home soon, XoXo" his final text reads...
Beaming headlights & unimaginable speed, driving responsibly and he's so close to getting back home when an irresponsible driver ruins everything...
Caitlin is feeling sick, she knows whats up, putting down the positive 'test' when she hears shouting outside.
"Barry!" Oliver gets him out of the car "This can't be over!" Bloody and battered, he starts compressions but they have no effect "No!" Caitlin screams, Thea holding her back... Sobbing she expresses what she was going to tell him "I'm pregnant"...

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