Chapter 1-49

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They sit inside and drink hot chocolate "no matter what I do, you always make me fall in love with you, again and again, over and over" she confesses as her cheeks turn rosy red "have I ever told you that?" She asks him "you have now" he smiles, the edge of his cheeks almost touching his ears.
They get a phone call, it's the school telling them to turn on the tv and watch the local news.  They go and do so, "- Central City University is reopened and awaiting the arrival of students this coming Monday" they hear the happy news "- The perpetrator has been caught and has been sentenced to life in jail - Ronnie Raymond - further details will entail but for now that is all" they turn the TV off...
Caitlin looks at Barry with a blank expression "I..I.." she goes to speak but has found no words to come out, Barry puts his arm around her "you're safe and so is your family" he says and takes her cup from her hands so he can hold them "Barry you don't think he did that because he was jealous?" She asks of him "No, people like that don't need a reason" he says as he looks into her eyes "I'm so happy it wasn't you" he says, she hugs him softly "thank you" she says barely above a whisper "for what?" He asks as he gently embraces her "for keeping me safe" she says and pulls back but he holds her close just a few moments longer then eases her back "it's my job, is it not?" He slyly asks as happy tears form in her eyes "yeah" she knods and looks down at his hands which have found their way back to hers...

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