Chapter 2-26

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"Cisco, I scanned the entire area. I don't see anything wro.. -" he stops with a rush of wind blowing past his side, stopped in confusion as to why Cisco isn't speaking up, he turns around.
Whether it was the way she was standing, the wind having blown through her hair, maybe it was just the way his heart always skipped a beat when laying eyes on her..
He puts his hands on his head "I should've told you, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to keep this a secret I swear I was going to tell you I just didn't know how" his expression distraught but there's a difference in hers, greatful if you will.
She rounds cisco's desk, her hands placed on him, sending shivers from his neck down his spine "With or without this speed, Barry. You're still you" she accepts the impossible with a soft kiss on his cheek, her words as pure as air, but as inspiring as fireworks. "Plus" she lets her professionalism slip her mind, a childish expression in her cheeks like he's never witnessed, but he likes it "And I guess this means you want to run tests on me, doesn't it, Dr.Snow?" He plays along, hands on her waist "well of course! Who wouldn't want a hot test subject?" Barry smirks.
"Guys, Guys! We're at work... My brain! its scarred.." Cisco throws his hands in the air, complaining like a little boy watching a sappy romantic love story "professionalism is a thing y'know" his voice a little whiney as Caitlin and Barry break out laughing...

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