Chapter 2-24

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"Barry!" She whines ... He turns around with a forced, under-expression "Yes, Caitlin?" He mimics whining her name like she did, his. "Good Morning" she says quickly, giving in "I'm sorry... I think I missed that" she glares at him "take it or leave it" she sasses him "ehn... I'll leave it" he teases and turns his back to walk away.  She runs and hops on his back without notice, like a little kid. "Stop being such a tease" she wraps her arms around his neck, not even realizing the fact she flashes him the ring he proposed to her with on his graduation day "than promise me one thing" he leans back a little, he turns his head a little to the side so hes whispering in her ear, as he runs his hands along her visible forearms, which are clutching onto him "anything" he moves his hands over hers "never take this off" she bends her fingers upwards to view him lace his fingers within hers, around the ring "I wouldn't for the world" she buries her head into his neck as a hug until she hops off his back and he takes her by the hand "also!" He says more excited than expected, making a smile grow on Caitlin's face "yes?" She asks "don't be taken back if I randomly surprise you -" "afterall, you are my girl"...

It's been a long waited amount of time, a quick readjustment back into his home and Caitlin and Him couldn't be anymore happy.
Caitlin left for work 10 minutes ago, Danielle is asleep and he's found himself yet again, restless, when Cisco calls...

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