Chapter 1-46

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["Dammit Caitlin! I'm supposed to spend my life with you, I'm supposed to keep you safe, I'm supposed to hold you in my arms and protect you from the evil this cruel world has to offer!" He screams in tears as she's been flat line for over 45 minutes, "Wake up! Come back to me! I can't do this without you!" He breaks down, his voice cracking every word he shouts.  She lay on the medical table, shock after shock, compression after compression, breath after breath... Her body lay motionless, she's not coming back. . . .]
It's a repetitive dream, he wakes up in pain every night, knowing it's not real but he can't help but scream, feel terror, be scared everytime it replays in his mind.  Caitlin's become accustomed to it, she wakes up before he does, she can sense he's not okay, she holds him, assures him of his safety, her safety, that everything is alright.
The morning has come and he's shaking from tears, she can feel his features trembling as he cry into his pillow, she tightens her grip around his waist and pulls herself so they're lying closer, "talk to be baby" she says as his head roll over to face her "tell me what's wrong" she kisses his forehead as he bury his head between her face and her pillow "I'm scared"...

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