Chapter 1-11

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"yes?" She asks out of curiosity "You save me atleast one dance..." He says shyly and she blushes "whatever you say" she says breaking out into a cute smile "Amazing" he says and hugs her.
"And now we would like to call up the 2016/2017 Graduates..." The speaker booms making Caitlin really nervous "I'm so nervous" she says and Barry takes her hand and looks her straight in the eyes "Today. This is your day" he pep talks her "What if I make a fool of myself?" She asks letting her nerves get to her "You won't, trust me. You're going to do great, you always have" he smiles and finishes just as her name is called "Caitlin Snow" she stands tall, a huge smile pasted across her pretty face as she walks up to receive her diploma, looking back at Barry one last time "Congratulations Ms.Snow" the principal welcomes her with her certificate and shakes her hand.
She walks down from the main stage and hugs someone "Congratulations babe" he says and makes her blush by kissing her cheek for the first time "You deserve it" he says proudly then sits back down to let her keep walking back to her seat ...

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