Chapter 2-29

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There was an accidental, sharp, blue fog tracing the surface of his skin, no air but he could still breathe, no floor but he kept running, a crisp sense of electricity running through his bloodstream, he didn't dare open his eyes, a small voice bewildered in the back of his mind, "Run Barry, Run".
[If he only knew what was going on...]
Contrast to Multiverse breaching, back heard about in the fictional comics Caitlin uncannily read to Barry to pest him as a child— this time there was something different, the second his monitor went silent it wasnt because it broke down, he wasn't going too fast, it just stopped the whole world stopped; everything paused.
There was no reaction for Cisco or Caitlin, there was nothing at all, no ounce of prevention, concern, worry.. nor time;
Barry's eyes shot open, these weren't dreams, these weren't memories, call him a visionary but these sequences playing infront of him weren't anything he's ever seen or drempt of before.
The Past, a flashback of little Caitlin moving in... Their Present, the incomprehensible love between two souls.. His Future;
He stopped at the feel of soft, bladed grass beneath his feet, unaware he burned through soles on his Converse, "Where am I?" He stands outside an unfamiliar Church.
The more he looks around, the more everything seems.. Advanced; New.
Chiming bells rang, a melody no longer a figment of his imagination; he could feel it in his bones. Ringing in his ears with a hint of organ music sifting through the background, [His] Caitlins soon to be favourite song..
Blowing across the lawn he picks up a drifting article, a by-line on he didn't comprehend, a news paper reading "July 4th, 2020"...
"This is impossible.." he tries contacting Caitlin but he doesn't have his phone.
After, the team too, but his radio back to the team isn't working "Cisco! Caitlin! what's going on!?" He exclaims aloud, a struggle in his vocal chords.
He doesn't understand whats happening, he speeds around but something catches his eye, a beautiful woman in white; a wedding.
"And do you, Barry Allen, take Caitlin Snow to be your lawfully wedded wife? —"

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