Chapter 1-15

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"because I can't stand to see the girl I love, kissing another man" he breaks down in tears, his head almost between his knees he's crying so hard "I... I...I didn't know..." She says moving her hand up and down on his back a bit for comfort "but I'm with Ronnie now" she says and makes him look up "I know, I'm sorry I had to tell you like this, I hope I didn't ruin your big night" he says, his eye lashes shiny from tears "it's not ruined at all" she says with a smile "but it will be if we dont get back out there" she says with encouragement "I'm a mess" he says and wipes his tears away completely "you look fine" she says looking at him a little sass, making him laugh a bit as she head back inside...
Everything gets cleared up, Caitlin takes Barry home and Ronnie and Her party a little longer at his house ...
At home Barry can't settle, he tries watching tv but it doesn't work, he tries playing on his phone but his nerves just make it so hard "I have a bad feeling about tonight" he says to Henry as he walks downstairs from his room to see what all the noise is about "Caitlin will be fine, she's just out with a couple of friends" he says and ruffles his hair like he did when he was a child "Try to sleep Slugger" he says and heads back upstairs.
Barry tries sleeping, his back, his side, his stomach... He just can't find a comfortable position, only to hear a faint noise of a door opening and unlocking "Caitlins home" he says in relief as he listens to her quietly make her way upstairs but she stops suddenly...
Nora gets up to go to the washroom and meets Caitlin in the hall, Caitlin with her head hung low, she stops but Caitlin just wants to get by "did you have fun tonight?" She asks, dead tired so she doesn't notice her odd behaviour "yeah, it was fun while it lasted" she says and fakes a smile, departing to do there own things...

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