Chapter 1-10

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Today's the day, it's Caitlin's graduation,
She's excited but oh so nervous.
She hops out of bed, makes breakfast, gets dressed and sits on the couch until Barry wakes up. "Goodmorning..." he pauses "I can't remember... is it pretty, or beautiful?" He says acting like he has amnesia as he stands at the top if the stairs in his pajama bottoms without a top on. "Caitlin..." she giggles and goes up to him to lend him a hand, seeing it's a miracle he's alive let alone standing, or even being able to walk "it's Caitlin" she says and smiles as she helps him down the steps.
"Whatever you say" he jokes around but suddenly takes a hard grip on her shoulder for support "ow.. hey, Barry. .. are you alright?" She asks holding her arm around his body to make sure he's standing tall "Umm. . Yeah, I just felt really dizzy. Sorry" he apologizes sincerely "Thank you Cait" he says trying to blow off the situation like nothing happened "let's get you seated" she insists and they sit together and watch TV on the couch for a bit.
Graduation is only in a couple hours and Barry doesn't know, "I know this is sudden.. and it may be something you don't want to do... but..." she begins and Barry turns focus to her "name it, I'll do it" he says surprisingly, because he'll do anything for her "I graduate today, Do you want to come to the ceremony?" She asks not expecting an answer "yes" he agrees as Caitlin's face lights up with a bright smile "but on one condition" he starts....

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