Chapter 1-8

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#Snowbarry FanFic ~ Part 4
With the sudden rush of people entering Barry's room a nurse intervenes "Welcome back Mr.Allen; You have a wonderful family and a really caring girlfriend" the nurse states and makes him blush "Caitlin? She's just a friend..." He says with an obvious sigh "whatever you say... but I'm quite sure 'just friends' don't opt out of school for online courses so they don't have to leave your side.." the nurse says, ending the conversation as she unhooks him from all the major machines hes on...
3 days later...
After resting in the hospital for an couple of days for observation the nurse calls
"Caitlin Snow" she responds picking up the phone "Hi, I'm calling about Barry Allen.." the nurse pauses and Caitlins heart beats rapidly, with a sick like feeling "Umm... Yeah, he lives here.." she says nervously "Well I'm calling to say he's free to go" Caitlins worrisome look turns into an immediate smile "Okay, Thank you" she says and they mutually hang up "Finally" she says with a large smile as she heads towards the kitchen where Mr.&Mrs.Allen are, with the great news...
"Barry can come home!" She says excitedly but that diminishes quickly when she realizes she's talking to the wind. "Hello? Anyone home?" She speaks aloud "That's odd... They were just here.."

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