Chapter 1-9

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Just then she hears a noise and gets a little scared, so she walks through the living room and realizes someones at their door so she opens it "Happy Birthday!" Barry says as she opens the door to him "Barry!" She says with happy tears as they embrace in a hug "Thank you" she says as he wraps his arms around her "Anything for you" he says as he rests his head over her shoulder and closes his eyes, making the embrace feel like an eternity
"Oww..." Barry says to bug Cait "oh my gosh, are you okay?" She immediately let's go and looks a little scared, meanwhile Barry can't resist laughing "I was joking Caitlin, im okay" he chuckles and lightly fist bumps her arm "but I do need your help with balance... Take my hand?" He says and takes ahold of her hand, manipulatively putting his fingers between hers and they walk inside...

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