Chapter 1-50

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"we only have hours left until night time" Barry says and stands up in an excited way and Caitlin gives him and odd look "come on, follow me!" He says and heads outside before she can even stand up "Barry wa.." she gets in but hears the door slam and she smiles while shaking her head when he looks at her through the window as he motions for her to come to him "what is this boy up to now?" She internally laughs as she throws on her boots and coat and goes outside. "Barry what are you do..." He places his finger on her lips to silence her "no questions" he says and brings her to her fort then runs to his "you ready Miss Snow?" He shouts and throws a snowball up and catches it "bring it on Mr. Allen" she ducks and laughs because he misses only to throw one back and miss aswell "your aim was never very good" he mocks while laughing but ends up with a face full of snow "I take that back" he spits out snow and shes bent over laughing at this point, he goes to throw another one but she gets him again and can barely stand from laughing so hard, she has to sit down. "Had enough?" He teases and runs over, and find her making a snow angel "I don't think I can even stand" she smiles brightly as she looks up at him, inverted in position "I'm done" she remarks dramatically splaying her arms and legs out...

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